~Night One~

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"Maybe I should call him back," Shuichi said as he got settled down in the back office. He glanced around the room and placed his night guard cap on. He was just about to get up and investigate the halls, when he heard it.

The Phone started ringing.

A bit confused, Shuichi reached for it and flipped through the security cameras.

"Hello? Hello hello?" the voice had a bit of static and hard to understand, but Shuichi managed to piece together that it was his old friend, Rantaro.

"R-Rantaro!? Is that really you?" he croaked into the old phone.

"Can you hear me alright? Heh, I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled down on your first night,"

"Oh, is that so?" Shuichi said, sounding a bit defeated. He knew it couldn't have been the real Rantaro because of what happened when he had previously worked there, but that didn't stop him from feeling a little hopeful. With a sigh, Shuichi continued listening to the message. 

"I actually worked in that office before you, as a matter of a fact I'm finishing my last week now. I know it can be overwhelming, but hey, your smart. I know you can do it. There's nothing to worry about, you'll do fine."

"But Rantaro, you didn't do fine! No one is even sure what happened to you..."

"Let's just focus on getting you through the first night. Let's see, there's an introductory reading from the company. I'm sure you already know it, but it's a kinda legal thing-" Rantaro then proceeded to read through the introductory, sighing along the way and sounding obviously bored- "Blah blah blah, yeah you don't really have to worry about that part. There's nothing really to worry about, although the animatronics tend to get a bit quirky at night, but I'm working on it. Their left in a free roaming mode at night, I wouldn't freak out unless they get close to your office."

Shuichi almost dropped the phone and immediately started to flip through the cameras, only too discover both Chica and Bonnie were off the stage

"Yeah if they see you, they might think your an endoskeleton without it's suit. Since this is against the rules, they might, well they might try to forcefully stuff you inside a suit."

"Wait, what..!" Shuichi practically shrieked. He saw on the camera that Chica was in the party room, and Bonnie was down the hall leading to the back office. He slammed his hand down on the button to close the door so hard he thought his hand would bleed.

"Yeah this wouldn't be all that bad, but the suits have a bunch of wires and metal inside em' so this could result in death. Just try to keep the doors closed while their wandering close to your office."

"They should have said something before I signed up!"

"Yeah, they don't say these things before you sign up."

Shuichi felt silly for having a conversation with a recorded message of his dead friend, but this was overcome by fear of getting stuffed into a suit.

"But hey, first night should be a breeze, and I'll have another recording for you tomorrow. Oh, also save as much battery as you can, and only close the doors if you need too." The phone clicked.

Save power?  Shuichi thought to himself. Where is that gonna get me if he's right outside the door??

To answer his question the noticed that Bonnie had gone back up the hallway, and he reopened the door. Shuichi sighed as he checked the time.

It was 4 am.

And he had about 36% left.

The blue haired boy slowly started freaking out seeing how little power he had left. He calmed down a little knowing he could save it and make it until 6 am. He was so close.

He sat back down in his chair and sat on his legs as if to prevent himself from using up anymore power, but he quickly got fidgety. He had to check the camera, what if Bonnie was right outside the door?

His question was quickly answered when to his utmost delight he noticed Bonnie mere steps away from being inside the office with him.

He once again slammed his hand down on the button for the door, and leaned against it, as if his personal body weight would help keep the huge metal door up.

Shuichi knew he had to tell Kokichi about this, but he knew the little gremlin wouldn't believe him. He leaned a little closer to the window to quickly snap a picture, before shooting back into his seat from the fear.

He checked the cameras again, noticing Chica wasn't any closer, and Bonnie barely moved. He took deep, shaky breaths as he tried to calm himself, and that's when he heard the sound to let him free.

The shift change alarm.

Shuichi checked the cameras, and all animatronics made it back to their resting point. He sighed and immediately called Kokichi.

"How was your first night? Was it as awful as I told you it would be?"

"It was worse-"

"Ha! Told you so! What happe-"

"The animatronics are haunted." 

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