~ɘviꟻ ƚʜǫiͶ~

60 4 1

Shuichi?  Hey Shuichi, can you hear me?

It was the final night. For all he cared, Shuichi just wanted to grab his paycheck and get out of there. But he came here for a reason. He needed to know what happened to them, to his friends. He was too deep into this mess, and he couldn't turn back if he tried. There was a mystery that needed to be solved, and who better than the ultimate detective.

He looked back over at his phone. He wasn't on a facetime with Kokichi tonight, since the purple haired boy was scared beyond himself the previous night. As a substitute (and because Shuichi was afraid to be alone,) they were texting through the hours. But this was no explanation for what he just heard.

He was sure he just heard someone asking if they were being heard. But who? Maybe he was just hearing things-

Ouma: Hey, are you there? Your not answering me!

Me: Oh sorry, sorry. I just thought I heard my name, must be hearing things...

Shuichi felt weird sending that to Kokichi, afterall, he knew he would get nothing but more snarky responses. But Kokichi should know why he delayed with a response, and it was better than lying to him anyway.

Oh, you can hear me. Ok good, just hang tight.

"Who is that? Who's there?" Shuichi checked the camera, and to his surprise, no one had left the party room.  Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy all remained in place. Even Foxy remained in pirates cove, but he didn't peek out or anything. Weird, but at least Shuichi got to save more power.

It's me Shuichi, you know who I am, but you also do not. That's not what matters.

Shuichi's phone had been buzzing with texts from Kokichi. He wasn't answering due to the fact that he was concerned over the voice he was hearing.

Ouma: Shuichi? Are you there?

Ouma: Heeeelllllooooooooo..??? Did you die??

Me: No, sorry. I'm hearing this weird voice. I'm not sure who it is, but they said that I know who they are, but also do not?? It's super weird. Not to mention that the animatronics aren't moving, so everything is pretty strange tonight.

Shuichi opened the cameras again. Although they still hadn't moved, all the animatronics were looking directly into the camera. Even at Pirate's cove, Foxy was peeking out slightly.

Shuichi, please focus. I need a favor of you. We all do.  There is a lot more of us then you may know.

"Us? Who are you? Stop messing with me!" Shuichi mumbled as he nervously checked the cameras again. They were no longer looking at the camera, but it felt like they were. Their faces were a bit distorted, which was weird because the camera hadn't been showing issues like this previously.

Shuichi, you want to help your friends, yes? Then I need you to listen. You seem to be further in this than you would prefer, and it won't get any easier.

Shuichi swore he could see a faint glow from inside the animatronics. Their faces seemed less and less fuzzy, and more and more human. He couldn't tell who their faces were. The camera was too disoriented. He took a picture to send to Kokichi.

Me: Ouma, something really messed up is happening. The voice is asking for a favor or something. This is really weird

Ouma: Tf? Why do they look like faces?

Ouma: Shuichi? Are you ok? Get outta there!

Shuichi, we need you to do this for us. You'll have a simple task. You're gonna be sent back, back to the second location. It'll be a dream, although, we aren't sure if you'll ever be able to wake up again. Do you accept?

Shuichi looked back on the camera. He could now clearly see the faint glow, as well as make out the faces. They looked younger, although there was a hint of maturity. Shuichi couldn't tell how old they were, but one thing he knew for sure, is that he finally knew who he was working with, who he was fighting for. They were all his old friends, the ones he'd lost all those years ago. He could even see a faint glow coming from the back office, although it wasn't connected to anybody that he could make out.

Shuichi considered his options, he could accept and find justice for his friends, although he may never see the light of day again. Or he could turn down and see the possibility of them never finding peace. The answer was quite clear, but he didn't know if he had the strength to say it,

Ouma: Shuichi? SHUICHI??

Not to mention, he wasn't sure how Kokichi would feel.

Shuichi, we need an answer. Please don't get distracted, and remember, you're doing this for all of us. Please Shuichi, w̵͉̬͈̼̠̳͎̪̬̿̓̂̎̀͝e̸̓̿͌̌̊ͅ'̵̘͍́ͅr̸̲̾̃̅͂͋͐͝͠ͅě̴̛̱̖̩͍͙̇͗͐̎̂͆̊̋ ̵̡̨̝͍̻̖̦̖̭̓̆̃̓͠r̵̡̰̱̥̫̩̠̬̼͂̚ú̶̱͍̲̲̖̰̗̼͉͗̒̂̽́̈́͒̐ǹ̵̻͖̐̈̄̾̓̓̋ń̴̨̯̬̫͙̱͎̑́̅̎̾̂̍̓̚i̴̮̥̻̓͗̌̍n̶̖̝̗̤͔͓͕̫͓̊̑̽͐ͅg̶̤̗͈̬̳̊̓̅̚ ̷͉͓͚̓ͅo̸̧̯̤̬̲̼͙̩͊̉̓u̸̲͊̑̈̚̚r̴͕̭͙͔͒̃̈́͑́̇ ̴̧̢̠̍̒̌̓͗͐̎̍͊͜ȏ̵̇͊̉͊f̸̛͒̅͂͠h̵̛͚͇͂͋͊̔̈́̈͂ö̷̻̠́͗p̵͎̫͓̭̩̤͑̅e̴͚̗̽̉̈̋̑͝,̷͔̦̺͖̺̈́͗̂̎̓

Ouma: Shuichi please respond, I need to know that you are ok,

Ouma: Then again, if you are dead, you can't respond, so thats not good either,

Shuichi, think about this,

Shuichi felt overwhelmed by his options. He couldn't just leave Kokichi, but he needed to do this for all whoever "They" were.


"I..I uh..."

Me: Kokichi, I'm so sorry,

"I... I accept."

(Sorry I know there are some really weird characters throughout the chapter, and if it doesn't load or something or it's just weird just let me know and I'll set it back to default,) 

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