~Night Four~

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Shuichi propped up his phone so he could see Kokichi over the facetime, and then looked back at the cameras "I had a feeling getting Chihiro involved would be a bad idea," he paused and thought about what he had said for a second "-Well it didn't go terribly but you didn't find anything"

Kokichi twirled around on his chair for a bit before answering "Well we did find conspiracy theories. It's a long shot but sometimes they can be right."

Shuichi sighed and looked at the cameras "A very long shot..."

Even though it was only the beginning of the night, Shuichi was already scared beyond himself. According to Rantaro, things get real on night three. He barely made it through night three, so how was he supposed to manage night four?

Shuichi's panic was interrupted by the phone ringing and he picked it up in a hurry.

Rantaro's voice was on the other side of the line perusal, but instead of sounding confident like he usually was, he sounded panicky and scared although he seemed to be hiding it "Hello, hello? Hey wow, night four..! I knew you could do it..."

Shuichi and Kokichi picked up on the chance of tone and exchanged a concerned glance.

"Hey listen, I may not be around to send you a message tomorrow-" Rantaro was interrupted by banging on the door, and Shuichi jumped a bit, "It-It's been a rough night here... for me at least. Uhm... I-I'm glad I recorded my messages when I did *ahem* because I guess if you're hearing them... I-Uhm-I might be dead-"

Shuichi was already pretty freaked out, and when he picked up that he was hearing Rantaro's last moments, he only felt worse.

Rantaro continued, and the banging on the doors got louder, "H-hey, do me a favor: Maybe sometime you could check inside those suits in the back? I'ma try to hold out... until someone... checks. Maybe it won't be so bad. I-I-I always wondered what was in all those empty heads... back there-"

Shuichi's eyes flooded with tears, as he tried to keep listening. He could tell by Kokichi's expression that he didn't want to listen to it anymore, but the blue haired boy didn't put the phone down.

Suddenly, a music box started playing. It was similar to the music that Freddy will play solo during birthday parties. The boys could hear Rantaro muster an "...oh no..." this was followed by a loud robotic screech that neither of them recognized. They figured that must have been the animatronics gaining access to Rantaro, and they both screamed. 

Shuichi slammed the phone down and tried to take his mind off it by checking the camera's, but his shaking hands made it hard. As he was doing that, he noticed Kokichi hung up the phone. He was alone.

It was about 3 am and he was halfway down on power. Bonnie was already down the hall, and Shuichi closed the door. He knew Chica moved slowly so he wasn't as worried about her. He checked Pirate cove to make sure Foxy didn't leave. He was trying to keep as calm as he could before his time was up.

Four am. He was doing pretty alright. Or so he thought. Shuichi was about to turn off the camera's when he noticed Foxy was no longer in Pirate cove. He couldn't locate Foxy like the other animatronics. He remembered what Rantaro said about Foxy sprinting at him, and Shuichi quickly turned off the cameras and closed the door. As he did so, he saw a flash of red fur (metal?) in the window. This was followed by a bang on the door. He just avoided a close call.

With Bonnie on the right, and Foxy on his left, Shuichi had both doors closed and his power was being chewed up. It was about 5 am and he had 10% left. He couldn't do much. The clock didn't tell him how far into 5 am he was, and he couldn't check the cameras either to see where they were, because that would just use more power. Shuichi felt like he reached a game over.

He began to cry again. He wanted to call Kokichi, or maybe Himiko. He wasn't sure. He just wanted to call someone before he had to say goodbye. He grabbed his phone and dialed a number, but as he was about to press call, the doors were forced open, the lights turned off, and nothing was working. Shuichi jumped as it was really sudden and loud. He assumed the power was out, and desperately tried to close the doors. Both Bonnie and Foxy seemed to have left, so he was a little lucky there.

As he accepted his fate, the same music he heard play for Rantaro started to play through the Pizzeria's speakers. Freddy's music box. Shuichi even tried forcibly bringing the doors down. That didn't work. He sat back and tugged on his hat, as some weird panicky solute. 

That's when it happened.

He never thought it would.

He swore he could hear Freddy's footsteps.

But they were interrupted.

Freddy's footsteps were interrupted by the 6 am mark.

Shuichi was free.

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