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(Why do I even bother with these no one reads them)

TW: Mention of blood, murder, and death. Sorry T^T

Shuichi once again found himself in a blurry haze, or as he referred to it, a tape in first person view. He tried to view his surroundings, but he was surrounded by colorful objects. In one hand, he had a toy sword, and in the other a cupcake wrapper. He put two and two together and figured he must have been younger Kaito, since while watching Maki, Kaito practically threw himself in the ball pit with the foam sword.

Kaito emerged from the ball pit and Shuichi was able to see Maki walking to the back with the person in the Golden Suit. Shuichi almost extended an arm out signal Maki to wait, or to grab her attention at the least. Instead, Kaito wrapped his arm around his stomach. He was waving his sword around with his other arm, and although it seemed like he was trying to signal that he was fine, it came off as a pathetic flail.

Finally, Kaito gave up and hopped down from the ballpit. He went and sat down where Maki previously was, and placed his little crown on the table. He watched as the  Golden Bonnie walked out of the backroom, and Shuichi guessed he was expecting Maki to follow. When that didn't happen, Kaito stood up, grabbed his birthday crown, and walked up to the large bunny.

Kaito tapped on the bunny's arm "Hey uh, Excuse me? Do you know where my friend is? She's a little shorter than me, kinda scary lookin, and she likes the color red,"

The person jumped a bit, and looked down at Kaito "Oh, yeah I think I did!" They pointed out Kaito's small crown "Since its your birthday, your friends wanted to plan something extra special for you! Cmon, follow me back here and I can show you!"

Kaito smiled and eagerly followed the bunny. Shuichi tried to prepare himself for the feeling of his dream coming to a close, and braced himself as Kaito drew nearer to the door.

But this time was different.

There was no sickening feeling of passing out,

There was something much worse.

Whatever Kaito had been expecting, this was not it. There were no balloons, no cupcakes, no presents, no games. No surprise, no party. 

Kaito's eyes flooded with tears, and Shuichi couldn't make out much of the scene. There was the smell of blood, a lot of it. Red, no wait, blood. On the floor, on the walls, wherever, there was a lot of it. Whatever they were witnessing, it was no longer the exciting, welcoming pizzaria. It was certainly something a child as young as they were should ever be witnessing. 

Kaito tried to scream, they both did, but a fuzzy hand wrapped around his mouth muffling it. There was a sharp pain in his back, and everything went dark.

Shuichi, finally having woken up, was weeping. As much as he wanted to know what happened, he never wanted to witness it. He felt worse thinking he could have done something to stop it. Call a parent, warn them, anything. Although he had no power over the dream, he felt as if it was still his responsibility. 

Heavy heartedly, he grabbed his nightguard cap and headed out the door.

"I'll do it for you guys, I'll end it for you guys. I'm so sorry"

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