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Good morning, night, evening, or whenever you may be reading this.

So the original way this story was supposed to roll I was going to continue with a second story and either follow the games, or do the original trilogy based on the three danganronpa games. But, I don't think I have enough people reading this to pull that off, and they would probably flop anyway. 

The next Idea was to incorporate Fnaf3's Good and Bad ending into this story. I'd write both endings (maybe the neutral ending too but idk how I would do that and have it still be cannon) so you guys can experience both. 

I think I'm going to do that, but I wanted to get this A/N out there in case anyone liked the original idea, although I don't think this will get much attention I think I should get it out there anyway. 

So, yeah, if you want me to do the first idea, let me know. If not, maybe still let me know. If too much time goes by without a response I'm going to go with the second idea.

 If too much time goes by without a response I'm going to go with the second idea

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here's a cute cat for the troubles

have a nice valentines day


*Edit! I'm going with the first idea because I'm really hasty to go back to writing this story (like, i'm even starting a draft on the second book, I've been dying to get back into this), but I can still write the good/bad ending in this book if anyone wants it!

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