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"Shuichi, your really going back there?"

Shuichi looked up at the old building, cringing at it's state. It was starting to grow mold up the sides of the wall, and even some moss appeared inside the building. That didn't stop the restaurant from shutting down, or even making an attempt to clean it up. He looked back down at his phone to respond to Kokichi.

"Y-Yeah. I'm starting to want to turn around, but we've made it too far to go back."

"You haven't even stepped inside the building, have you? Your terrified I can hear it in your voice,"

He couldn't even lie about this one, he really was. He took a shaky breath and walked into the old building, barely paying any mind to Kokichi's snarky comments.

"Shumai, your not even paying attention to me anymore, Why am I being dragged into this anyway?"

"Oh!" Shuichi answered, being brought back to earth  "Ah, I guess I decided it would be a good idea to have you investigate with me since around the time of the incident you seemed to know a lot about what happened."

Kokichi paused, and took a moment to consider this. "Fine, but don't act surprised when we don't find anything on what happened,"

Shuichi looked down at his phone, then back at the building "Well Kokichi, it's 11:51, I have to get ready for my shift." Without even waiting for Kokichi's response, he hit the hang up button, and headed for the building.

This is going to be one hell of a night...

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