~The Light Hours~

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"Shuichi, I think you need sleep."

It had been hours after Shuichi's shift, he had immediately made his way to Kokichi's apartment to share his discovery.

"I don't need sleep, I need answers"

Kokichi looked over the energy drinks and coffee cups he had already gone through. In his time there, Shuichi had been reading through all the articles he could find about the incident, and reports from past workers.

Shuichi gulped down the remains of his current energy drink, and glanced up at Kokichi "Well, Kirigiri isn't answering, which is just perfect. Oh look! I found an article from an interviewed worker, they have described the animatronics having the same sort of behavior!" Shuichi's emotions were a mix of fear and delight as he got up to show Kokichi the article he found.

"I still don't understand why I'm being dragged into this," Kokichi glanced down at Shuichi's laptop, and cringed upon seeing the dark circles underneath the taller boy's eyes.

"Your 'being dragged into this' because you worked there too! Well, you worked there a little before the slaughter, or was it during the slaughter..?...I'm too tired for this..." Shuichi grabbed another energy drink and set down his laptop to open it, right as Kokichi snatched it.

"Look Shuichi, I'm glad your 'avenging' your dead friends, but this is taking a serious toll. Get in the car, I'm driving you home." 

"Avenging? I'm just solving. And avenging-" Shuichi rubbed the dark circles under his eyes, and grabbed his hoodie "-Well fine then. I'll go home, and take a short nap. But I'll be back! And We're gonna figure this out!"

"Well avenging is what Kaito would have called it" Kokichi groaned and grabbed his keys "Your not walking. Last thing I need is to get a call about you passing out in the middle of the road." Kokichi sighed while he tossed Shuichi's night guard cap to him.

"Maybe I'll just sneak you into my next shift."

"What was that?"


-OK so quick A/N,

Sorry this chapter is so short, I'll try to make the next one longer.

This story isn't meant to be Shuichi x Kokichi, even if it seems like it. Their just working together to solve this mystery, and if it does turn into Saiouma, I'll give a heads up and TW

Have a nice day-

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