~Filler Chapter~

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Note: This chapter is only meant to be a filler, and isn't necessarily cannon to the story. I want to add it since valentines day passed and a nice light hearted filler won't hurt anybody...right..?



"...So, do you think we'll ever be human again..?"

That was the burning question. Whether they admit it or not, that's what they were all wondering. Pondering if they'll be trapped in this mechanical hulk of a body for the rest of time, until the bodies lock up and the steel rusts. Then they'll be trapped in the same position, for  who knows how long. Their souls cling to the earth, no matter how desperately they want to let go. And it was eating them alive.

"What a dumb question. Of course not. We already got our shots as humans. We died. This isn't some video game where we can respond from our last save point." Foxy stood up as they said it, and walked into the middle of the party room, sitting down on the stage beside the others "There's only one thing we can really do. We find that man in the costume and make him atone for his sins."

Freddy crossed their arms and looked down at Foxy "That's a bit unrealistic, don'tcha think Maki Roll? I mean, he can be anywhere by now. He might even be dead! We have no way of knowing."

 Chica nodded back into the conversation "Yeah, that is true. All we can do is hope, that one day we actually get out of here. Hoping is a great way to cope too! I'm sure it'll all turn out ok in the end, so being negative is only making your grumpy!"

Bonnie sighed and placed a hand on Chica's shoulder "Kaede, I know you're very optimistic, but we've been here for years! Talking like that is only hurting us more. I don't think we're ever gonna get out of here. I would know. I was a robot even before I got here! And now I'm just stuck in this robotic entertainer. I don't wanna be here. None of us do. But there's no point hoping anymore." Bonnie sat down on the stage and shook his head.

Freddy looked over at Chica, who just shook their head. Freddy then spoke up once more, "Well then, should we at least try to leave the night guard alone? He doesn't deserve this, and he seems like a nice guy-"

They were cut off by Foxy "-Says the one who killed Rantaro,"

"I didn't mean too! I didn't know it was him, and he looked an awful lot like Mr.Purple,"

"Listen to us guys, we're talking like a band of murders. And that's exactly what we are. We shouldn't hide from the truth. But that doesn't mean it can't change. One day, we'll get out of here. Maki, you'll get your revenge. Kiibo, you'll learn guitar. Kaito, we'll finally sing you happy birthday. And maybe we'll all be happy again," Chica said under their breath as they got back in their regular stage position.

"Let's go guys. It's almost 12."


533 words, really short but it works T^T

Sorry to disappoint anyone :P

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