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Shuichi looked around. Fuzzy vision? Check. Not much control over movements? Check. Pizzaria? Check. He was dreaming again. 

He was standing by the ball pit, watching other kids jump in. He noticed one of the kids had the birthday crown on, and a cardboard sword in their hand. That's who Shuichi seemed to be watching. He couldn't tell who it was. The kid just stuffed a cupcake into their mouth and was about to jump into the ball pit, when Shuichi, or the kid he was watching through, reached a hand out to stop him.

"Don't jump in yet. You just had a cupcake and you're stomach is gonna hurt" He had a female voice, and although it sounded like the girl was trying to prove a point, she also sounded concerned. It took a bit of thinking, but he figured out he was watching through Maki's eyes this time, meaning the other kid had to be Kaito.

Kaito reached out his hand and patted Maki on the head "Don't worry about me Maki Roll, I'll be fine! Every great astronaut is basically immune to little tummy aches like these! It's basically training," with that, Kaito took off and jumped into the ball pit. Maki sighed and walked back to the table, and Shuichi expected she was waiting for karma.

As they got back to the table, he could see the Golden Bonnie Emerging from the room in the back again, no sign of Kaede or Kiibo. The person looked around and locked eyes with Maki, before walking over. Shuichi figured it was because Maki was the only one that was alone.

"You don't seem happy. What happened?" The large bunny asked with some fake empathy. Shuichi could only tell they were being fake due to the fact that he was older, as any child would have thought they were being sincere.

"Nothing. I just don't want my friend to get sick. But he won't listen to me so I'm waiting for it to happen."

"Ah, some good ol' karma. Works every time, right?"  The person seemed to wink, and exaggerated it by tilting their head slightly ", Tell ya what. I think there's some medicine in the back. We can go grab it for when your friend comes back." The bunny gestured to where they lead Kaede and Kiibo, and reached out their hand for Maki to hold.

Maki pushed their hand aside, but followed anyway, looking back over at the ball pit and confirming Kaito was still there. She followed, but Shuichi could tell she thought the person was a bit suspicious due to her slow walking pace.

She stopped walking all together, and Shuichi finally thought he may have saved one of his friends. That was until she saw Kaito emerge from the ball pit clutching his stomach and waving his sword around to pretend he wasn't hurt. Maki quickly followed the person, but never took their hand.

Shuichi again did all in his power to slow her down, but nothing worked. The usual happened, and he braced himself for it. Maki took a step into the next room, Shuichi felt dizzy, and everything went dark.

As Shuichi woke up, sweating bullets.

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