~The Light Hours~

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(editing this A/N because it's pretty dumb, it's mostly me just saying my writing is ass and feel free to give me criticism because I think I can use it)

"Find anything yet?" Kokichi said in a bored tone. He spun his keys around his finger and glanced over Chihiro's shoulder to see the screen. Kokichi had come by himself, since Shuichi needed sleep. As much as he wanted Shuichi to take care of himself and what not, he was incredibly bored, and for once wouldn't mind switching places with him.

Chihiro sighed and picked up his typing pace "I already told you, I'm a programer, not a hacker. And even if I were a hacker, it's not like I can just hack the internet to tell me what I need. I can still help, but this isn't my strong suit. Wouldn't the ultimate detective be better for this?" Chihiro stopped typing and glanced over at Kokichi.

Kokichi groaned "Well yeah, but it's hard to get a detetive to do his job when he's incredibly sleep deprived." his keys ended up spinning out of control, but he caught them before they hit Chihiro in the back of the head.

"Do you know what shift our killer had?" Chihiro stopped his typing and stretched his arms out a little, before picking up his usual pace again.

Kokichi stopped to think back to what Shuichi described "Nooo, but he did say they were the worker during the party hours, if that's a thing. They were the one in one of the suits during that party. In the spring bonnie suit if that helps. Oh he did mention that he wasn't sure of the gender either if that helps."

Chihiro nodded "Ok, party hours, party where those four kids died, spring bonnie..." He paused and seemed a bit unnerved with his search but continued anyway "I might not be the bravest, or even the smartest, but I still wanna help in anyway I can! This is all a bit scary, but it'll be worth it in the end. That's what Kiyotaka always says,"

"Great motivational speech, did you find anything?" Kokichi groaned and picked up his phone. He assumed Shuichi was still asleep since he hadn't received a text or call yet.

Chihiro paused, blinked a few times, and then looked back at Kokichi "S-so, I don't think you're gonna believe me, because this doesn't seem to tie together-"

"What's wrong? What did you find?"

"I didn't exactly find the killer, more of a weird conspiracy theory"

"How's that supposed to help? Theories 60% of the time aren't true. Especially conspiracy theories. That's super far off."

As Kokichi was about to look over at Chihiro's computer again, he was interrupted by a text from Shuichi

Sleepy Emo Boi: Just woke up. R u done with Chihiro?

Me: ig. We only found a weird Conspiracy theory, nothing new.

Sleepy Emo Boi: Well it's 11:37. Start heading home?

Me: yeah, I'll be there in a sec

Sleepy Emo Boi: Kk

Kokichi put down his phone and looked back at Chihiro "Gotta go, that was Shuichi. Thanks for the help, even though we didn't do anything."

"I'll see what I can find, and maybe I can piece something together," Chihiro stretched again "I'll let you know if I do find anything."

Kokichi could hear alter ego power up as he shut the door, and Chihiro continue to dig for info.

He sure is committed, Kokichi thought to himself as he hopped in his car.

(I write too many A/Ns I'm sorry but I think this is important:

I should note that Chihiro will most likely not make an appearance in the rest of the book, and will likely not return until the third story, sorry to disappoint)

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