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In the middle of the night
We hop into your black truck
And sped into the night
I just had to have a curfew
But I'm glad  I did
Cause we can't stand to see each others faces
In other times I wouldn't care
We do this every time and we go back to each other's arms
Too bad the atmosphere is feeling different
I inhale the cologne that lingers in the air
Since I know it's the last time I'll be here
No words just uncomfortable silence
I wish to speak but words won't come out
I'm really going to miss this
Looking at your side profile when you concentrate
The way your hands grips my thigh and I take a hold of your hand
Most of all the way you look at me to give me a kiss across the console and say I love you
Thinking you will be doing that to someone else makes my heart drop
Time didn't slow down for us when the ride was fast
I thought too much cause we came to a stop
If only we took the long way but this night isn't like most nights
It's our last night and last time we are this close
It took awhile but I turned around and faced you with teary eyes
As I say good night and you say the same
Until we leaned closer and kiss one good time
I opened the car door to get out to say goodbye
Walking towards the front door to unlock it
I walk inside and shut the door to only slide down the door frame
My knees to my chest and my head to my knees

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