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There it goes again
Telling the story of how we ended
For the hundredth time
I guess it's the price of knowing the two of us are really done
In a crowd of people that all knew you
Doesn't make it better
Memories are fresh in my head
Like the way you held my hand when I was scared to be in love
This is what I was afraid of
But you'd never know how I feel when you are happy with someone else
Hugging her waist with a smile on your face
Makes the feeling even worse
I wonder if you changed for her
If so why couldn't you do the same for me?
Was I the problem or were you already done before we started?
You found someone so quickly and easily
Was she always there and I was just oblivious by your words and charms
Could she have been fooled too?
And if not you must be really in love?

.....Just like I was

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