Chapter 2

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You failed to protect my sister!

     Featherstar jolted awake, panting heavily as Shadowblossom's words echoed in her mind. I need to get my mind off of that somehow... She thought and sighed as she lied in her nest. Every sunrise... Every sunrise I think of how I could've saved Morningwaters... If I was only strong enough... The Driftclan leader thought, tearing up. She unsheathed her claws and clawed at the ground in front of her nest. If that Shredflash was still there... I'd put the "shred" in Shredflash... Featherstar thought and lowly growled. Her anger soon turned into sadness as she frowned at the thought of Morningwaters lying there on the chilly, scarlet stained snow. Featherstar then rose onto her paws, stretching before padding out of her den. It's best for me to get my mind off it... She thought and looked around the camp. Her gaze lied on the Nursery. Ah, Addersky and her kits! I bet they'll be wonderful warriors when the time comes for them. The leader thought. She padded over to the Nursery, a smile on her face. Once she made it over, the Driftclan leader peeked her head in to see Addersky curled around her litter. Featherstar saw as Addersky lifted her head and sniffed the air. "Featherstar?" she meowed.

"Heya, Addersky!" she mewed back and padded into the Nursery.

Addersky smiled. "How are you doing?"

"I'm wonderful! And you?" Featherstar replied, smiling back.

"Same here!" Addersky then put her tail over her mouth, looking down at her sleeping kits and sniffing them. "Oops... Gotta stay quiet for them!" She whispered.

"My mistake." Featherstar whispered back. "How are they?"

"They're all so lovely!" the queen replied. "I love them with all of my heart! And I know they look beautiful!"

"That's good and they are," The Driftclan leader meowed, lashing her tail.

Addersky sniffed the air and then looked towards her leader. "Have you thought about having a litter yourself, Featherstar?" she asked.

"Only once, but I'm not sure if any other tom would want to be mates with me." Featherstar replied.

Addersky nearly gasped. "What?! I know for a fact that the mateless toms would love to be with you! You're just outstanding in every way!" she mewed.

The leader couldn't help but blush at the comment. "No, I couldn't be..."

"You are!" Addersky smiled.

"Heh.. Well, I'm sure the right tom will speak to me." Featherstar meowed back.

Featherstar then looked at the three kits that were against their mother's belly. One moved. "Addersky... I'm hungry!" It was the mew of Oceankit.

"I'll get a fish, don't worry!" the mother mewed back to her son and licked his head.

"I'll get a warrior on it." Featherstar meowed as she padded out of the den. "I'll see you around, Addersky."

"Thank you, Featherstar!" Addersky called out to the leader.

Featherstar looked around to see if there were any warriors nearby. I wonder- it cut her thoughts off when Eagleswoop padded up to her with a white flower in his maw. The Driftclan warrior set it down on the ground in front of her. "I-I found this by the Ocean Side and thought you would like to have it!" Eagleswoop mewed and gave a nervous smile to his leader.

"O-Oh! Thank you, Eagleswoop!" she meowed back, blushing and smiling.

"Yep! I'm going to... Go to the Warriors' den, unless you have any duties for me? I'll do anything you ask!" the tom meowed.

"Uh, I don't at all! You may head there then, Eagleswoop." she replied, lashing her tail.

"Okay! I'll speak to you later!" Eagleswoop then ran to the den.

That was strange... Featherstar thought, then looked down at the flower he brought her. It was one with white petals and a yellow middle. She smiled.

The flower is beautiful, though.


Shadowblossom padded out of the Driftclan camp. He has to be out here somewhere... The black-furred tom thought as he padded towards the Ocean Side. He couldn't've just got up and padded away, right? Shadowblossom thought as his paws came in contact with the warm sand. He padded closer to the water as he went up to the spot Shredflash had lied in. He should still lay here... Dead... I ended his life... He can't be alive! The Driftclan warrior thought as he clawed at the sand. "And I know the ocean didn't take him." Shadowblossom meowed to himself.

Shadowblossom looked down the Ocean Side as the waves splashed against the shore.

"Shredflash is out there somewhere." he started.

"And I'm going to end him for good."

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