Chapter 30

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"What prophecy?" Shadowblossom meowed to his kits.

"Uh, there's no prophecy. What are you meowing about?" Oceanflame replied nervously.

Tidesong and Seaspiral sighed in unison from their brother's response. Shadowblossom kept a blank look on his face as he stared at his son. "I don't have time for this." Shadowblossom meowed. "Tell me what the prophecy is."

Oceanflame looked at Tidesong. "You tell him!"

Tidesong's eyes widened. "No, you tell him!"

"No, you tell him!" Oceanflame shot back.

Seaspiral sighed. "The shadows of the shadow will come as one to stop the shreds dying dream."

Shadowblossom looked at Seaspiral. "Another prophecy involving Shredflash?"

The white-furred she-cat nodded.

Shadowblossom then padded past the three. "I'll be back," he meowed.

The littermates turned and watched their father pad to the entrance of the camp. "Where are you going?!" Tidesong called to Shadowblossom.

Shadowblossom gave no response as he left the Driftclan camp.


Shadowblossom padded past the trees.

I'm going to find him.

A few heartbeats later, Shadowblossom padded onto the warm sand of the Ocean Side. Looking around for any sign of Shredflash. The black-furred tom sniffed the air for any scents. He has to be around somewhere... He thought. Shredflash should be under the sand right now!

Why is he alive? Shadowblossom padded around, sniffing the air for any scents. The black-furred tom then unsheathed his claws and swiped at the sand. He should be dead! Shadowblossom swiped at the sand once more, sending some to the left side of himself. The moment I see his dirty pelt, I'll-


Shadowblossom whipped around to see three cats running towards him.

Why are they here? He thought.

The three cats ran up to him and stopped in front of him. Tidesong, Oceanflame, and Seaspiral met their father's gaze.

"You three shouldn't be here. You don't know when Shredflash could appear and attack." Shadowblossom meowed to them.

"We're going to fight Shredflash too, Shadowblossom!" Oceanflame mewed.

Shadowblossom stared at his son.

"Trust us, Shadowblossom! If the four of us work together... We can fight him and take him down!" Tidesong meowed.

Shadowblossom's gaze set on the tortoiseshell she-cat. He then looked at Seaspiral.

"Shadowblossom," the fluffy white-furred she-cat started. "You are the shadow. We are the shadows. We can take down Shredflash."

Shadowblossom groaned. "Fine. We'll work together to stop Shredflash, but please be careful, because this is dangerous."

"We will!" Oceanflame and Tidesong mewed in unison.

Seaspiral nodded.

Shadowblossom sighed.

I'll end you, Shredflash.


Seaspiral opened her eyes. She looked around. Her back paws on the sand and her front paws on the grass. Her head the shot forward. Her ears perking up as she heard paw steps in front of her. Seaspiral saw two cats padding next to each other and up a hill. Are they going to... Vertexclan?

Seaspiral's eyes widened, then she blacked out.

The white-furred she-cat soon jolted awake in the Driftclan Warriors' den.

"Shredflash is heading to Vertexclan..." she whispered.

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