Chapter 13

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Do it exactly like Blacksting did, Shredflash!

"Do I have to do it that way?" Shredflash replied as he padded past the trees.

Yes! Deaddream needs to learn and understand!

Shredflash sighed as he padded into the Galaxyclan camp. The tom soon padded over to his den and went inside. He then saw Deaddream sleeping next to Aurora. Shredflash looked down at his son with a pained expression on his face. The grey-furred tom was close to turning around and coming back later, but there was a voice in his head telling him not to. Come on, Shredflash! Shred echoed in his mind. Shredflash sighed as he nudged Deaddream. "Deaddream." he meowed.

Deaddream yawned and looked up at his father. "Yeah?"

"We're starting our training now," Shredflash replied to him.

"Yay!" Deaddream mewed and got up, then stretched.

Shredflash saw Aurora yawn and look at him. "Starting already?" she meowed.

The tom nodded as his son finished stretching. "Yeah, we'll be back later."

"Stay safe, okay?" Aurora added, licking Shredflash's cheek.

I'll have to get in control of her again later! Shred echoed in Shredflash's mind.

Shredflash smiled at his mate. "We will." he looked back at his son. "Are you ready, Deaddream?"

Deaddream nodded.

"Let's go." Shredflash then padded out of his den, Deaddream on his tail.


A while later, Deaddream and Shredflash padded away from the old Galaxyclan camp and passed through the trees. I can't wait to train! I'll be able to take down Jack! Deaddream thought as they continued. "Why couldn't we train back at camp?" the tom asked his father.

"I'd like to go to this other area to train. It's relaxing," Shredflash replied.

"Oh, okay!" Deaddream mewed and smiled.

Shredflash then remembered when his father took him to the Ocean Side to push his head into the water and never letting him breathe. Those were fun times, right? Shred echoed. The grey-furred tom didn't respond as he and his son padded along to the Ocean Side.


Shredflash and Deaddream soon padded off of the grass and onto the warm sand. "Woah... Is this the Ocean Side that you've talked about, Shredflash?" Deaddream asked as he dug his paws into the sand.

Shredflash nodded.

"The sand feels so warm!" Deaddream exclaimed and giggled.

I'm sure he'll love the water, too! Shred echoed in Shredflash's head.

Shredflash sighed. "Come over towards the water. Deaddream." he meowed.

Deaddream did as he was told and padded over to the water and next to his father. They watched as the water hit their paws and pull back. "It's cold!" Deaddream shivered after the water touched his paws.

Shredflash nodded. "Yeah, let's get closer." he padded more into the water.

Deaddream followed.

"What are we going to do first?" Deaddream asked.

Now. Shred echoed.

I'm sorry, Deaddream. Shredflash lifted his paw and pressed it onto his son's head, pushing his muzzle into the water. In pure fear, Deaddream tried to pull his head back up, as he was now losing air. "When do I stop?" Shredflash asked.


Deaddream's movements slowed as he lost more air. "Shred." the grey-furred tom meowed.

Soon, Shredflash!

Deaddream still moved around, trying to get his head back up, but it was no use. He felt weaker and weaker. "Shred!!" Shredflash yelled.


Shredflash quickly took his paw off Deaddream's head and picked him up by the scruff. Deaddream gasped for air and coughed up water. "W-Why did you do that?!" Deaddream exclaimed.

The tom set down his son, who was now shaking with tears falling down from his eyes and into the water. "Shredflash, that was so scary... I don't want that to happen again!"

Shredflash sighed, now remembering the look he had on his face from the look on Deaddream's. The grey-furred tom then shook his head. "I'm sorry." he whispered before forcing his son's head into the water again and repeated the process, like Blacksting did.


"Calm down, Deaddream..." Jack mewed as he stroked his tail along the silver and grey-furred tom's back.

Tears still fell down his face. "And Aurora did nothing..." he mewed.

"Who's Aurora again..?" the orange-furred tom asked.

"My mom! Why didn't she do anything? She only sat there and did nothing! She wasn't even frowning..." Deaddream was on the verge of crying again.

"She has to have said something, right? Aurora wouldn't just let that happen to you!" Jack seemed confused now as he comforted Deaddream.

Deaddream then sobbed again at the thought of his father pushing his head into the water and keeping it there repeatedly.


Kill Skystar! Shred's voiced echoed.

Lionstrike gasped and jolted awake, panting now.

"Lionstrike! Are you okay?" A voice meowed next to him.

Lionstrike looked over to see Sunsting with a worried look on her face. "Yeah." the tom replied.

"Good!" Sunsting rose to her paws and stretched herself out.

Lionstrike only stared at the ginger-furred she-cat as she left the Warriors' den.

I don't know if I can kill Skystar. He thought.

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