Chapter 28

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     Tidepaw ran around the Driftclan Apprentices' den in excitement. "I can't believe we'll become warriors!" she mewed.

Oceanpaw ran around with his sister. "Yeah! I can't wait!"

Seapaw sat in her nest, licking her fur clean.

"Tidepaw, Oceanpaw, Seapaw!" the three apprentices heard a familiar voice.

Tidepaw and Oceanpaw stopped in their tracks. "Addersky!" they meowed in unison and ran to their mother.

Seapaw padded to her mother as well. Addersky smiled as she heard her kits' voices. "Shadowblossom told me you three will become warriors today!" she meowed.

"Yeah!" Tidepaw mewed back. "We did great on our warrior assessments!"

"Are you proud of us, Addersky?" Oceanpaw asked.

Addersky chucked. "I am! I'll always be proud of you three!"

Seapaw smiled. "That makes me happy, Addersky."

Addersky's eyes widened for a few heartbeats when she heard Seapaw's mew, but she soon smiled and purred.

"Cats of Driftclan, please gather around the Tide Pool for a clan meeting!" A voice yelled from outside of the Apprentices' den.

"Looks like it's time!" Addersky mewed. "Come on now, you wouldn't want to miss this!" she turned around and padded out the den. "It is a ceremony for you three, after all!" she giggled.

The three apprentices padded out of the den and followed their mother. They watched as Driftclan gathered by the Tide Pool. They joined their clanmates and watched Featherstar speak to the clan. "I have gathered you all here today because there will be three new warriors." the Driftclan leader meowed.

"Tidepaw, please step forward."

The tortoiseshell she-cat did as she was told.

"Tidepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect Driftclan, even if it means your life?" the leader meowed.

"I do." Tidepaw replied.

"Then, by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Tidepaw, from this moment you will be known as Tidesong. Starclan honors your determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Driftclan." Featherstar said.

"Thank you, Featherstar." Tidesong meowed, smiling as she padded back into the crowd.

Featherstar nodded. "Oceanpaw, please step forward."

Oceanpaw padded up to the Tide Pool.

"Oceanpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect Driftclan, even if it means your life?" She asked.

"I do!" Oceanpaw replied.

"Then, by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Oceanpaw, from this moment you will be known as Oceanflame. Starclan honors your enthusiasm, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Driftclan." the leader meowed.

Oceanflame gave a wide smile as he padded back and sat next to his sisters.

"And Seapaw, please step forward."

Seapaw padded forward.

"Seapaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect Driftclan, even if it means your life?" Featherstar meowed.

"I do," Seapaw said.

"Then, by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Seapaw, from this moment you will be known as Seaspiral. Starclan honors your intelligence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Driftclan!" The Driftclan leader meowed.

"Tidesong! Oceanflame! Seaspiral!" Driftclan cheered.

"The clan meeting is now over!" Featherstar meowed to her clan.

The three new warriors looked at each other as the clan dispersed. Tidesong and Oceanflame gave a wide smile. Seaspiral smiled at the two.

"We're warriors now!" Oceanflame and Tidesong meowed in unison.

Seaspiral nodded, but she then gained a serious look on her face. "We'll have to focus on the prophecy now." she said.

The two looked at their sister.

"We'll stop Shredflash from attacking us!" Oceanflame meowed.

Tidesong nodded in agreement. "Yeah! We'll take him down!"

"What prophecy?"

The littermates turned around to meet the gaze of their father, Shadowblossom.

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