Chapter 19

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I'm ready... Deaddream thought.

     I'm ready for what Shredflash will have me do next. If it protects Jack from those cats, I'll do anything it takes! The silver and grey-furred tom thought as he lied next to his mother, Aurora, who hasn't moved from her nest in the den. Deaddream now patiently waited in the den with his mother until he would leave with Shredflash. It wasn't until a few heartbeats later that Deaddream heard pawsteps outside of the den. He's here! He thought as he hopped onto his paws, then winced in pain at his wounds from when Shredflash attacked him. Deaddream soon saw the grey-furred tom pad into the den with a frown on his face. "Shredflash!" the tom mewed as he padded up to his father.

"Hello, Deaddream." he replied.

"What are we doing now?" Deaddream asked, eager to train more with Shredflash.

"Come with me." Shredflash turned around and padded out of the den.

Deaddream scurried after Shredflash. The two toms soon padded to the entrance of the Galaxyclan camp, then padded out. Deaddream only wondered what his father planned for him to do. The silver and grey-furred tom padded next to his father as they came to an area that he hadn't been to before. Where are we? Deaddream thought, then looked around to see the trees more closely in. "Hey, Shredflash..." he turned to his father. "Where are-"

Shredflash was nowhere to be seen.

Where did he go?! Deaddream thought, looking around for his father. Why did Shredflash leave me here?


Shredflash padded back towards the Galaxyclan camp. Prey is scarce in the area I left Deaddream in. Plus, he didn't eat any prey before we left, so he'll go hungry for a while. He thought and entered his den.

That sounds great, Shredflash! Shred replied.

Shredflash sighed as he lied next to Aurora and nuzzled her.

You know what you have to do next, right, Shredflash? Shred echoed.

Shredflash thought for a moment before his eyes widened. The grey-furred tom stood up. "I can't do that, Shred..."

Why not?

"I've done all of this... I don't know if I can hurt her..." Shredflash's mew shook. "I want to live a happy life with her... I can't lose another mate."

Shredflash. Don't make this hard for yourself. You know you have to do this so you can end the clans. You can always find another mate! Shred said.

Tears fell down Shredflash's face. The grey-furred tom pressed himself against his mate. "I'm sorry," he meowed. "I'm so sorry..."

Aurora won't be the only one we have to take care of, Shredflash! Shred said.

"Who else is there?" Shredflash replied.

Shred only giggled, and it echoed in Shredflash's mind. You'll see!


Deaddream lied in the spot that Shredflash left him at. I'm so hungry I can barely move... There's no prey out here and I can't find my way back home... He thought and then coughed. His eyes got heavier as he tried to pull himself forward with his paws. I want to see Aurora again... His vision got blurry. I want to see Shredflash again... He then closed his eyes, but then felt something pick him up by the scruff.

Is that Shredflash...? Deaddream thought as he soon blacked out.


Ridgepaw lied in his nest in the Vertexclan Apprentices' den. I don't want to train today. He thought and sighed. Ridgepaw hates the way Sunsting trains him. It's always constantly battling... And I always get hurt. I want to hunt more... He then stretched himself out in his nest. Ridgepaw's ears perked up as he heard pawsteps approaching the den. That must be her. The apprentice watched as a ginger-furred she-cat pad into the den and stare down at him with her golden eyes. "I don't want to fight today, Sunsting." he mewed to his mentor.

Sunsting sighed. "We're not."

"I- what?" Ridgepaw questioned.

"We're hunting today, come on." she meowed and then padded out of the den.

We're doing what?! Ridgepaw hopped onto his paws and ran after his mentor. He padded beside her as they headed to the entrance of the camp.

This is surprising... But a pleasant surprise! The white-furred tom padded out of the camp with his mentor.


"Nova, I-I'll be back!" Marigoldfur mewed to the black and white-furred she-cat as she scurried out of the Medicine den.

"Okay!" Nova replied, sighing.

Marigoldfur has been acting more nervous around me. I don't know why. Nova thought, before padding out of the den, looking around for Marigoldfur. Is she hiding something from me? Nova soon spotted the golden-furred she-cat come out the Warriors' den with another cat. It was a white-furred tom.

Has she been talking to Rainpad a lot? Why would she want to be so quick to see him? Nova pondered on that thought as she watched the medicine cat pad out of the camp with the warrior.

I'll have to see what's up with that. Nova thought, then padded back into the medicine den.

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