Chapter 4

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     "Tidekit, let's play!" a black-furred tom with light-green eyes mewed to her sister as she was curled against her mother.

"No, Oceankit! I don't want to play right now, I just want to sleep!" Tidekit mewed back.

"Aw, come on! Please!" Oceankit begged.

Tidekit lifted her head and looked at Oceankit with her golden eyes. "Ask Seakit! Maybe she'll play with you instead!"

Oceankit frowned. "But she won't say anything or just not respond like last time!"

"I'm sure she won't." both Tidekit and Oceankit looked at their mother, Addersky, who had a smile on her face.

Both kits then looked at their sister, Seakit, who had her head on her paws as she was curled against Addersky. Addersky sniffed out Seakit's scent. Sniffing Tidekit, then Oceankit, before the heavy scent of Seakit filled her nose. Addersky licked Seakit's head. "Seakit, your brother wants to play with you," Addersky meowed.

Seakit looked up at her mother with her purple eyes. She blinked twice and then lied her head back onto her paws.

"Aw..." Oceankit frowned.

"Maybe Shadowblossom will play with you if he's still in camp, Oceankit!" Addersky mewed.

"Can I go look for him?" the black-furred tom-kit mewed.

"Yes." Addersky smiled.

"Yay!" Oceankit turned around and ran out of the Nursery.

Tidekit sighed. "He always wants to play... I just want to sleep!"

Addersky licked her daughter's pelt. "You can't always sleep, Tidekit. A warrior doesn't sleep all the time."

"But Shadowblossom sleeps all the time!" Tidekit mewed.

The brown and yellow-furred she-cat chuckled. "It may seem that way, but Shadowblossom leaves camp a lot!"

"He does?" Tidekit questioned.

Seakit then lifted her head and looked at her mother.

Addersky nodded. "Mhm! He is usually looking for something or he's just doing warrior duties!"

"Oh... Maybe I'll play with Oceankit later, then!" Tidekit meowed as she lied her head onto her paws.

Seakit turned her head to the entrance of the Nursery. She saw Oceankit running around the camp.


Oceankit looked around. "Where would Shadowblossom be?" he asked himself as he padded around the Driftclan camp.

He looked around for a few heartbeats more until he saw Eagleswoop padding by. Oceankit ran up to the warrior. "Have you seen Shadowblossom?" he mewed.

"I'd check the Warriors' den if I were you!" Eagleswoop replied.

"Oh, okay, thanks!" Oceankit mewed and ran off.

Eagleswoop smiled and continued on with what he was doing. Oceankit soon ran into the warriors' den and looked around. Hmm... He thought, as he spotted a black-furred tom that was curled up in his nest. There he is! Oceankit padded up to his father and prodded his head. "Shadowblossom!" he mewed.

Shadowblossom lifted his head. His periwinkle eyes stared at Oceankit. "What?"

"Can you play with me? Please?" the black-furred kit mewed.

Shadowblossom sighed. "Don't you have your sisters for that?"

"They only want to sleep!"

Shadowblossom sighed once more before he got up and stretched. Then he headed to the entrance of the warriors' den. Oceankit watched his father in confusion. Shadowblossom turned his head to Oceankit. "Well? Are we going to play or not?"

Oceankit's eyes sparkled. "Yeah!!" he ran over to his father with a wide smile on his face.

Shadowblossom gave a smile as he padded out of the den. Oceankit right on his tail.


Seakit hopped onto her paws and padded around the Nursery. Her mother, Addersky, slept peacefully with Tidekit next to her. Tidekit watched her sister as she padded around the den. "Seakit, what are you doing?" Tidekit mewed.

The white-furred she-kit didn't respond as she padded around.

"Seakit?" Tidekit mewed again.

Seakit stopped in front of her sister and stared at her.

"What are you doing?" she asked once more.

Seakit only shook her head and padded around the Nursery.

Tidekit sighed and lied her head back onto her paws.

Seakit padded around as they slept.

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