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When we Arrived home Liam had forgot what he wanted to talk about and i was relived. I threw by bag down as i entered and then headed to the kitchen because i was hungry. I grabbed a bag of prawn cocktail crisps then continued to the living room and plonked myself on the couch. Surprisingly no one was in there so i grabbed the remotes and flicked through the channels. I settled on watching 'The Voice', I liked watching singing shows as i liked to sing myself. We used to play on a game called Singstar all the time, which was basically just karaoke but everyone in the family loved it, even if most of them where bad at singing.

"What shit are you watching?" Corey asked asked threw himself on the couch beside me.

"Its not shit." I said keeping my eyes glued to the tv.

"it kind of is."

"would you shut up I'm trying to watch this." I shouted.

"Your watching it already, i can talk and you would still be able to watch it."

"I'm trying to listen and watch so will you fuck off and go piss someone else off." I glared him in the eyes trying to be intimidating. It clearly didn't work.

"ooo swearing twice in one sentence, Issac won't like that he'll put soap in your mouth." He said while getting up then walking into the kitchen.

I carried on watching. I always thought if i were on the Voice who would i pick. I would definitely choose he's amazing and come on, The Black Eyed Peas are amazing.

"Do u remember when we used to play Singstar?"

"Omg why is everyone so annoying." I yelled in frustration.

"what do u expect you live with boys." Caleb replied.

"fair point." i replied calmly when i realised it was Caleb. "and yeah, i used to love playing Singstar."

"I think we have the game lying around somewhere."

"first to find it gets something of the other, bet?" I held out my hand waiting for him to shake it.

"bet!" he replied shaking my hand firmly.

We started searching everywhere for it, i don't even remember when we played it last. I checked the box full of old games but it wasn't there. Me and Caleb where both searching for around 30 minutes, when a lightbulb lit in my head. I ran up to Toby's room and threw the door open. He was sat on his bed with his phone attached to his hand.

"Hey what are you doing?" He shouted as i started throwing games of his selves , I ignored him and carried on searching.

"Riley!" He shouted again getting up from his bed and rushing over to me to stop me.

"ah ha!" i yelled, holding up the Singstar case in glory almost hitting him in the face. Toby looked confused as i stood up still looking in awe of the case.

"Oi tidy this up now." He looked pissed of and made direct eye contact with me.

I smirked at him. "No can do big bro, i have better things to do." I darted out of the room so i could show Caleb.

"Caleb!" I shouted as loud as i could, my voice echoing through the house. I ran round like a lunatic trying to find him. I bumped into Leo. "Where's Caleb?" i asked, looking up to him.

"Think he's in the basement, why?" I held up the case of the disk showing him. "Omg, you guys better let me play."

I laughed and then ran to the basement, Leo closely behind. "Caleb i found it!" The cold air in the basement hit me and caused me to shiver.

"Aw for fuck sake i wanted free takeaway!" He replied coming in to sight.

"Ooo now that you mention it that's a great idea, i was just gonna ask for some M&Ms but my mind has been changed." i laughed.

"I shouldn't have said that." Caleb said while walking up the stairs.

"No you should not" i laughed while turning and heading up the stair too.

Me Caleb and Leo played on Singstar for over an hour and our voices began to ache. We sung songs such as 'Hello' by Lionel Richie, 'world of our own' by Westlife, 'come and get it' by Selena Gomez, ' let it go' from frozen and so many more including 'wherever you will go' by the calling which is one of my favourite songs ever.

"Sooooo, i want a BBQ chicken wrap with lettuce, as well as some cheesy chips and mayonnaise emmm..." Leo whispered in my ear telling me to tell Caleb he wanted a donna kebab as well. "I'll also have a donna kebab and a can of coke-a-cola." Leo then whispered he wanted a can of Dr pepper so i added that to my list as well.

"For fucks sake, remind me never to make a bet with you ever again." I laughed as he grabbed his phone to dial the takeaway place we always order from, Pizza and potato factory.

He ordered himself something as well and then ended the call. "They said it will be ready in 20 minutes, i need to go to the bank to get some cash so we can set of in 10."

"Thank you smelly." I ran and hugged him and took in his warmth.

"Your welcome annoying sister." He picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder.

"Hey let me down!" I tried to get out but i couldn't, i looked at Leo who glared at me laughing. I gave up and he brought me downstairs as it was time to leave.

He put me down on the ground and got his shoes and jacket on so did Leo. I put my shoes on and then a familiar smelling hoodie got thrown in my face. I took it of my head and realised it was Leos Champion hoodie laced in the nice smelly stuff he wears. I looked up and smiled widely at him and he smiled back while also giving an annoyed expression. I put the hoodie on then grabbed my phone. Caleb grabbed his keys and then we got in the car and drove to the takeaway place. The bank was right next to the place so it was quite handy. We sung to all the songs that came on in the car and danced as much as we could while sitting down.

When we got there Caleb parked up and we all got out of the car. Me and Leo waited at the car while Caleb went and got cash. When he got back, we went to the takeaway and got our food.

"omg that smells amazing." i said, i felt drool form on the edge of my mouth.

"It does." They both said in unison.

"i can't wait to eat it, can we eat it now?" i asked.

"There's no way your eating it in my car." Caleb said sharp coming out of our little trance.

"Lets go find a place to sit then." Leo said.

We ended up sitting on some steps, well Caleb and Leo did, i had to sit on the floor because there wasn't enough room. We ate in silence, which was normal for us. We were all too invested in our food, we didn't have time to talk.

After around half an hour of eating food and talking for a while we headed back to the car. When we walked back i clung on Leos back because i was too lazy to walk. As we got closer to the car we heard shouting and then we realised it was coming from the bank. Someone was robbing the bank, multiple people actually. They all had guns in there hands and when i saw i grabbed Leos shoulder tighter and my heart starting beating faster. We were only a few feet away from the car, but any movement could cause the robbers to see us and god knows what they would do. We crouched down low behind a random car and watched what was going on. we saw loads of people dressed in black coming out of the building with masks on. They all took there masks of and then I saw a very familiar face...

"Is that..." i said

" Dad".

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