Twenty Seven

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The whole car ride we were getting in the party mood listening to songs, I liked Mason he was a cool . Me and Libby had turned of our GPS just as we passed Ava's house, so then our last location tracked would be at Ava's, we were geniuses. Luckily we passed Ava's house.

Currently playing was All night by the vamps which was a throwback hit I'd forgot about to be honest.

I felt the car stop and looked out the window to the massive house in front of us.

"That's a big house." Libby said extremely shocked.

"Yep." Harrison said while getting out, Mason got out too.

"Why are they so tall?" Libby asked.

"I thought Harrison was tall, Mason is even taller." I said while taking my seatbelt off.

We got out of the car, and i was so small compared to both of them, Libby was even smaller.

"I'll come pick you guys up at around 2pm if that's okay." Mason said opening the door of the car.

"Yeah sounds good." Harrison replied.

"See you guys later." He said to me and Libby.

"Bye." We said together.

Mason drove of and Harrison had both of our bags. He looked pretty good. He had a pair of black jeans on that weren't too baggy, but not too skinny. He had a plain white shirt on with a few buttons undone at the top, which showed his collarbones off. His hair was messy but not the usual messy look he had, it was a neatened messy like an organised untidy room. He smelt really good as well.

We walked up the steps to the door, you could hear the loud music from a while away, good job there were no neighbours. Harrison opened the and i was shocked. Colourful lights flashing everywhere, people dancing all around, the music that loud that you could feel the beats pulse in the floor.

"Welcome to your first Party." Harrison said smiling at us. He then went to take our bags upstairs.

"Libby." I said in pure shock and amazement.

"Don't worry I'm thinking the exact same thing." She replied.

Then out of no where another tall guy came up to us smiling with a red cup in his hand.

"You must be my cousins friends. I'm Rocky, you girls look stunning do you want a drink?" He was shouting so he could be heard over the music.

"Yes please." I shouted back.

He started walking so me and Libby followed him, and we ended up in the kitchen where there were loads of bottles.

"Have you ever drunk?" He asked pouring himself another drink.

"apart from the glass of wine i had before we came here, no." Libby replied laughing slightly.

"Well, choose what you like the look of." He swayed his arms in front of all the various bottles of I'm guessing alcohol.

Libby picked some kind of gin i think it said on the bottle, I chose a green bottle of sours. It stood out.

Rocky poured Libby  the gin and lemonade with it. She sniffed it and then put the cup to me to smell it. It smelt quite nice actually.

"Sours, good choice. I'll pour, you tell me when to stop." He started pouring and i told him to stop half way because that seamed logical to me, apparently it wasn't. "Wow, That's gonna be strong. Lets hope you can handle your drinks." He poured the rest with lemonade and then handed it to me to taste.

"That's so nice." I said after a sip, then i drank the rest quickly and realised it was now all gone.

He took the cup from me, and looked it it. "Don't have anymore for a while, you'll be pissed out your head and Harrison will go mental at me. Wait i didn't get you names."

"I'm Riley." I smiled and held my hand up as if to say hi.

"Libby." She smiled and then took a sip of her drink.

"Okay, so we have Riley the soon to be drunk and probably a lightweight who definitely can't handle drinks and Libby who knows how to drink responsibly." He laughed.

We all just laughed and Rocky left.

"Libby look at all the alcohol, we can have any of this." I smiled like a child with new toys.

"This feels so surreal." She smiled just like i was.

"There's beers in the back room as well." Harrison came in, grabbed a cup and poured and started pouring different liquids in to his cup.

"What you doing?" I asked.

He handed me the cup." Try it." I took the drink from him and tasted it.

"This is really nice." I smiled. "Libby try some." She took the cup from me and tried it.

"Your right it is nice, Make us one please." She sat on the kitchen counter.

Harrison made us both one and as soon as i got it I downed it. Harrison looked amazed.

"Damm, for someone that's never drank your pretty good at it." He said drinking his own. "Don't drink too much though." He took the cup from me.

"Guess I'm just a natural." I flicked my hair sarcastically. "I'm going dancing." I said.

"I'm coming." Libby said, jumping down from the counter to followed me.

We weaved through people until we were to where everyone was dancing. Hips don't lie by Shakira was playing and we both shuck our hips to the beat laughing.

We were dancing for around 30 minutes when we decided to have a break. We went to the back room and saw people sat on the ground in a circle.

"Oh hey you two want to join?" Rocky said.

"Sure what you guys playing?" As me and Libby took a seat, i noticed Harrison was sat down too.

"Spin the bottle." A girl said, she was pretty. "I'm Ellie by the way." She smiled at us both.

"I'm Riley, this is Libby." I smiled back.

Rocky leant in to spin the bottle, it was spinning quite fast. As it slowed down it came towards me and Libby.

"That's between you both, you can both have it. Truth or Dare?" Another girl asked.

"Dare." We said together.

"Dare you to both take a shot of Vodka." Someone said.

Then Ellie got up and headed to the kitchen, when she came back she had two plastic shot glasses and a bottle of vodka. She poured them and passed one to both of us. We took them and counted each other down.

I poured it in my mouth and swallowed quickly trying not to taste the strong taste it held. After i swallowed it i started coughing a lot.

"Told you, can't handle the alcohol." Rocky laughed, so did everyone else.

I looked over at Libby and she did it no problem and i was surprised.

A lot of dares later, I'd ended up shotting more random stuff and downing like 4 beers. The game had finished and i headed to the kitchen to get another drink. I don't know what i put in it, i think i might have put everything in it there. It was strong but it was nice.

I went back out to dance but i danced with random people, i think i danced with Elie and some of the other people playing spin the bottle.  I don't even know how long i danced for but my dancing stop when i saw...him.

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