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As soon as we walked through the door I threw my bag on the floor in anger. I wanted this day to be over so bad. Why did I have to explain everything, I want to go to bed.

"Hey get your arse down stairs now!" Issac shouted as I legged it up the stairs. I ignored him and carried on to my room. "I'll take Netflix of you." He shouted again this time less sharp and more friendly.

I turned round and headed down the stairs like a sloth; slow, and slumped. I threw myself in the corner of the couch and brought my knees up as I tightly hugged them, burying my head.

"Spill" Issac said sharply, I felt his dagger eyes pointing towards my head. I stayed quiet, I had no idea how I was supposed to start this conversation. "You made me pick you up interrupting my football, so Spill." He exaggerated his last word trying to scare me a little and it worked.

I heard 2 pairs of footsteps descending down the stairs, I already knew who it was.

"What are you doing home?" Corey asked entering the living room, Caleb closely behind. I still stayed quite and i now had all 3 of them glaring  curiously and angry. I took a deep breathing preparing myself for what was going to come.

"I got into a fight." I mumbled , so quietly I don't think any of them heard me. My head still tucked into my knees.

"" Issac said while sitting forward from the couch.

I took another breath and lifted my head. "I got into a fight." I said it quietly still but much clearer and they all heard.

Caleb walked towards me grabbing my chin to look at my face. "So that explains the bruise on your cheek." I nodded and continued to stay quite while they all looked at each other. I couldn't tell if they were angry or shocked- I think they were both.

"Elaborate" Issac spoke not even looking at me anymore.

"I went to take my tray after I had finished eating, and I bumped into Jess who threw Leos blue hoodie at me and it was covered in glitter. We all know how much I love that hoodie." They all nodded in unison. "Anyways she said she used Leo for sex, then she called me a bigger piece of shit than herself, then I came back with an amazing insult, then she said something, then I punched her and broke her nose during the fight." I let out a breath glad that I had go it over with. I switch my eye focus on all 3 of the continuously trying to read their expressions.

"What did she say?" Issac sprang from his seat now towering over me which made him look even more intimidating than he already was. I started biting the skin around my nails, I was so nervous. Corey came and sat next to me and he slung his arm around me.

"Just fucking tell us Riley!" Issac was getting really angry, I could see him clenching his fists and running his hands through his long brunette hair. "If you don't tell me right now i'll-"

" -She said Mum deserved to die." I spoke quick and then I scrunched my eyes closed tight. I didn't want to see the hurt and anger that I knew would be sprawled across their faces. I felt the muscles in Corey's arms clench and I started shaking when he moved away from me walking away.

The backdoor flung open and I quickly pulled my head up to see Leo. Toby and Liam. I put my head back down on my knees as I felt a tear slip from my eye. I felt someone bring me into a hug I had no idea which one of my brothers it was. I whispered "Don't let them see me cry."

I felt arms hold me closer and hands stroke my head. "Its okay." from the voice I knew it was Leo.


I had gone back to my room when Issac got a call from the head teacher asking him to go in school tomorrow to talk. He was at work so Jacob would have to go instead. Leo came upstairs with me because he was the only one who knew I was crying, he had been sitting with me for over an hour trying to distract me from everything. I still hadn't told him what Jess said and i wanted to avoid that conversation at all costs.
He pulled out a game of guess who from under my bed that I never knew I had. Leo blew the dust of it and opened it up.

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