Fifty seven

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It was dark outside, I was in my sweats and I couldn't even be bothered to pick up my remote from the floor. So i just sat there staring at it, hoping it would miraculously jump on my bed so i didn't have to move. Boredom had set in since I had no phone and I was too lazy to move. I threw the covers off me and moved to my stomach so i could reach the remote without getting out of my bed. My arms weren't very long so i was hanging onto the mattress with my legs, and the remote was almost in reach. Just as i was centimetres away from it I heard a knock on the door a jumped at the unexpected noise with left me on the floor.

"What are you doing on the floor?"

"When you knock your supposed to wait for me to to say you can come in." I said angrily, now kissing the floor. I looked up to see which one of my brothers were here to annoy me and my foul mood, but was surprised when i saw Harrison.

I quickly sat up right, dusting myself off hoping to look somewhat presentable. Oh god I can't believe he's seeing me like this, I look horrendous.

"Get your shoes on." He smiles as he offers me a hand which i gladly take.

"It's like 10 O'clock." Confusion took over my features which only made him smile more.

"I know, I walked all the way here. Meet me outside." He turned to the door and left.

"Wait Harrison." I complained but he had already gone.

Dragging my feet along the floorboards I opened my wardrobe and pulled out the first shoes i saw, high-top converse. I slipped them on and tied the laces before I went downstairs. Once I was at the bottom of the stairs I saw Issac with a cup of coffee in his hand with a smug look on his face.

"What are you up to?" I asked with a frown.

He didn't respond but only smiled more. I slumped my shoulders and made my way out the door to see Harrison stood at the end of the drive.

"I'm not going on that I'll die." My expression was lowered to the skateboard on the floor.

"Come on Riley, lighten up." His features were soft as he flipped the skateboard into his hand. "Your not going to die, I've got you."

"I swear to god." I rolled my eyes but moved to where he was now stood on the road.

"Put your right foot forward and your left foot in the back." I held onto his shoulders as i stepped on, afraid the board was going to go rolling from under my feet.

"No dont let go of me." I said loudly as he stepped away. All he did was Laugh. "Harrison." I laughed back annoyed still.

"Your fine stop worrying." He held my hands as he started walking as the board went with it.

"I don't like this." I tried to keep in my smile but it broke through my gaze.

"Now push yourself along with you foot." He looked down at my feet as did I.

I did as he said and pushed off the ground with my foot making the board travel forward. As I did he let go of me and I feared for my life. "Harrison!" I shouted. A few seconds later i went tumbling off the board and straight on my arse, making friends with the floor.

He jogged over to where i was, he looked down at, towering over me with a smile on my face.

"It's not funny." I punched him in the shin and he moved away in pain.

"What was that for?"

"For letting go." I got back up to my feet shoving him as i did.

"It's not that hard, you just have to have balance."

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