Twenty Four

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It had been more than a week since coming home form the hospital. Unluckily i had to go back to the hellhole they called a school. I honestly wanted to hit my head of the wall really hard that I'd get another concussion. But i was already in the car so i couldn't do much about it.

I guess i got to see Ollie which was good, i missed him. He hadn't texted me, i don't even think he knew i had a near death experience, but ah well.

I walked through the doors welcoming me to hell once again. Hell sounded more bearable than this. I did not miss the dirty white walls and blue lockers. Not one bit. I especially didn't miss people! People are annoying definitely stuck up high school kids, mostly the year sevens.

I had Chemistry first which made my life a million times worst, not to mention English next. Why did all teachers hate me? I had Drama last period which was definitely needed.

I waltzed into the classroom earning a darting and horrid look from Miss Robins. I looked at her outfit, remembering her awful fashion sense, suits is all she wore. I thought women were powerful in suits but ew not her. She once came into school with a skirt that went all the way to the floor, my grandma had better fashion sense.

I slumped down into the seat next to Harrison, I missed him nudging me every 15 minutes to not fall asleep. He looked at me puzzled and smiling.

"What!" I fired at him.

"Who put shit in your cereal?" He laughed, clearly finding my return amusing.

"More like who let that shit be a teacher?" I didn't look up to him, i just stared straight arms crossed in a very big mood.

"Where you been Owens?" He punched my arm.

"Ow, you Dick!" I said loudly and punched him back.

"I didn't even hit you that hard, wuss." He smirked at me which made me give him a piercing look.

"Miss Owens you've been back for less than 10 minutes and you already on your way for a detention." She didn't even look up at me until she said the last word. Yeah because that's exactly what i needed right now.

I looked away from her rat face and got my water from my bag.

"So what happened then?" He asked again, He was consistent.

"Near death experience actually, my clumsy ass fell down the stairs, sliced my head open and left with a nasty concussion."

"Damm Owens, I'm surprised your still alive after that."

"Well I've got the dying temptation to whack my head against this desk to give myself another concussion." I fakely smiled at him.

"Please don't do that, I'd rather not die at the hand of your brothers." He slouched back in his chair adapting the same position as me.

"At least we'd both be dead and away from their annoying asses."

"Good point."

Throughout the lesson Harrison nudged me multiple times, to either copy something down or to stop myself from falling asleep. I had no idea what i was copying down to be completely honest, none of it made sense. Either way when i take my GCSEs i'll get high marks on my biology and physics enough to do shit on chemistry and still get a good mark. Last chemistry test i did i got a grade zero.

After Chemistry i walked to English with Libby, she was talking but i don't actually know what she was saying. I heard Alex's name a few times but apart from that i was clueless.

I walked in the classroom to be greeted with Miss Gaughan, I used to like her before she hated me.

"Nice to see you back Miss Owens." She said blankly.

I quickly smiled at her then returned to my moody ass expression. "Didn't think that last time you saw me." I muttered under my breath remembering the time she kicked me out for no reason.

I started walking to my seat and then sat down putting my whole weight in the chair.

"Riley you'll no longer be sitting there, swap places with Connor please and sit next to Harrison." She didn't look at me, what is it with teachers speaking without looking at me. Rude much.

It took tremendous effort to stand back up again and walk to the other side of the classroom. I dragged my bag along the floor while i got stared at, which didn't bother me i don't care what lowlife people think of me. I looked up to see Harrison laughing.

"Shut up." I said walking behind him as i pushed his head forward in slight anger. I only did it with Harrison because i knew he wouldn't get mad, he tolerates me.

"Well, well, well how funny to see you here. I'm guessing your hear to copy?" He leant his elbow on the desk and leant his head on his knuckle facing in my direction.

"No actually I'm not, I'm surprisingly good at English when i want to be. But i still need you to wake me up." Copying his stance but facing towards him.

"Wow that is surprising." He smiled in his usual half smile half smirk.

I just stared at him blankly with a hint of ' I suggest you shut up' .

Miss Gaughan started speaking and when she stopped it was the end of the lesson. What she was talking about was a blur but i kept my eyes open, so i technically wasn't asleep.

I started walking getting my stuff together ready to leave, then i noticed Harrison was just watching me.

"What you looking at you creep?" I continued to get my stuff together.

"You want to go to a party Saturday night?" He had now stud up towering over me. Why did everyone tower over me I'm supposed to be tall.

"How tall are you?" I asked tilting my head back so i could look up at him.

"6 foot 2, now answer my question." I stood up so i was at least closer to his height.

"I can't my brothers will know there's a party." I slung my backpack over my shoulder.

"It's an out of town party, my cousin's actually. They won't even know."

"You sure?" I raised my eyebrows slightly.

"Promise" He held out his pinkie finger.

I Hesitated before linking my pinkie finger in his. "Fine, but I'm bringing Libby!" I said before walking out.

"I'll get my Brother to drive us." He yelled slightly so i could hear him. I turned my body round but continued walking backwards holding my thumb up to him.

"What was that about?" Libby asked smiling slightly.

I leaned in so i was close to her ear so i could speak quietly. "We're going to a party on Saturday thats what."

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