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Riley's Pov

I lied awake pretty much all night only getting about 2 hours sleep between the horrid dreams and thoughts. I needed to try harder to be okay and forget all this shit but its impossible.

To make matters even worse i was performing tomorrow in drama and Liam will be watching. I can't even focus never mind pretend to be okay. Maybe that's what i needed, to pretend to be okay. If i can fool other people, why cant i fool myself?

Even though it was 6 in the morning and i usually got up at half seven, was there even any point of going back to sleep? No there wasn't. I love sleeping usually its my favourite thing to do, but not like this.

I got up from my duvet and wrapped Dave around me then i sat on my desk chair reading over my lines. Do i get called weird for giving my blanket a name? your answer is yes, but i don't really care that much, i think its original.

Within 5 minutes i was bored of going over my lines, I already knew them all. I decided to have a shower instead. I never had showers in the morning before school because i 'de have to get up even earlier which i didn't like.

I turned the water on and waited for it to heat up before i got in. I could never have the water boiling hot, people who did scared me a little. I got in and felt the warmth cover my skin. I washed my hair and did everything else you do in the shower and then i just sat down. I sat down in the shower and i couldn't tell if it was tear or just the warm water running down my face but everything ached.

I was sat for a good 30 minutes before i got out, wrapping a town around my body. I checked my phone to see it was 6:45, no one in the house is awake yet, none of us get up early. Ever.

I put some lounge clothes on as i didn't want to put my uniform on yet and then i headed down stairs to make my self a bru (A cup of tea, for the uneducated fokes). When i got down stairs i saw someone was sat on the couch, i couldn't tell who it was from where i was standing because it was dark and all of my brothers had similar brown messy fluffy hair. I walked over to see Caleb sat with a cup of coffee in his hands, who even drinks coffee.

"What are you doing up?" I asked and he jumped at my voice.

"Shit you scared me... couldn't sleep wbu?" He asked turning to face me.

"couldn't sleep." I went into the kitchen and popped the kettle on. I waited for it to boil and then made the brew.

I walked back  into the front room and sat next to Caleb with both of us staying in a comfortable silence.

"How did it get fucked up so fast?" He said.

"Tell me about it, everything's falling apart." I replied then took a sip of my bru.

"What do you mean everything, i don't think that everything's falling apart just most of it." he turned to me after putting his coffee down.

" stuff, i have a drama performance today." I wasn't ready to tell anyone about anything else so i lied.

"Oh yeah Liam was telling me, who you working with."

"This guy called Ollie."

"Hmm okay, what's he like?"

"Annoying but he's good at acting."

"it doesn't matter if he's good at acting, i don't like you working with boys."

"Well there's nothing i can do about it"

"Okay, tell me if you want me to beat the shit out of him." He smirked

"Don't worry i will." i said smiling and giving him a hug.

Me and Caleb ended up talking about random shit until the rest of my brothers came down. Corey was down first looing like a Zombie and everyone else followed after him also looking like a zombie.

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