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warning ⚠️: contains self harm.

A few weeks had passed since me and Ollie got together. We had been doing stuff, i felt less uncomfortable and he was very possessive, but besides that it was a good relationship. We would always go to his house because of my situation and his mum didn't seam bothered at all. My brothers didn't realise, which was great and i told Libby and she was very happy for me. I still hadn't made the plan with Liam to get Alex and Libby together but its going to happen soon. I'd also managed to calm down from the whole situation with dad, but it still sat in the back of my mind. Caleb and Leo seamed okay too but i needed to talk to them.

I texted Leo telling him to meet me in Caleb's room and he replied back with a thumbs up. I walked out my room and headed to Caleb's room wearing surprisingly my own hoodie for once.

When i got there Leo was already there because his room was closer. Out of all the rooms mine was in the middle of them all, which was slightly annoying because i was between Liam and Jacobs room, and across from Issac. Liam screamed at his videogames all the time and homework, he stressed over work like me. Jacob wasn't that noisy but when his friends came round they were all so loud.

"What are you both doing here?" Caleb asked, taking his headset off.

"Ask her." Leo pointed at me.

"We need to talk about it." I said.

"No we don't." Leo said.

"I agree." Caleb put his headset back on and grabbed his controller. I walked up to him and pulled the headset off his head and threw it on the floor.

"What the fuck are you doing Riley." He shouted and pushed me over and i fell to the ground.

"Why are you both being such dicks about this, I need to talk to someone about all this shit because it draining me. If none of you are gonna help then fuck off and don't talk to me. I need help, and i can't go to Issac can i." I said in a very frustrated voice.

"Don't you dare fucking tell Issac." Leo said standing up and towering over me.

"Fine i'll fuck off then." I pushed him back and he fell on the bed. I stomped to the door opened it and slammed it shut behind me.

I needed to go on a walk and get out of this house for a while, School was stressful enough today and i didn't need this.

"RILEY!" I heard one of them call but i ignored them and continued down the stairs.

I heard them shout again but i got my shoes on, grabbed my phone and i was just about to open the front door when i felt someone rag my hood forcing me to fall backwards into them and away from the door. I was slammed against a wall and i saw Caleb with his jaw clenched, he had his arm to my neck and the other arm pushing my shoulder.

"Get off me!" I shouted.

"NO, stop being a bitch!" He screamed back.

I could feel his arm pushing harder and harder on my throat and i couldn't breath. What hurt more was that Leo was just stood there watching and not even helping me. I felt a tear slip from my right eye, and then the pressure on my throat was realised and Used all the strength i had and punched Caleb in the stomach. I didn't think it was possible but his anger got worse. He held his fist up and he looked like he was going to punch me straight in the face, so i closed my eyes tight and braced myself for the impact. But it didn't come. Instead i felt arms wrap round me tightly and i opened my eyes to see Caleb hugging me. I automatically hugged him back tightly as i could and buried my face into his chest while he slumped his head on my shoulder. We came from the hug slightly to let Leo in too, He looked as angry as both of us. We stayed like that for what felt like a long time, but it still didn't feel long enough. We broke up the hug when we heard the door open and we all turned to look.

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