Fifty three

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My netball dress was black and silver to go with the team name 'The Ravens'. I liked how it was simple but made a statement somehow. We were third in the league table at the moment for the Tuesday games, in the Sunday league we were second.

I was warming up with some of my team mates, Jasmin and Grace, before the game started. I played GS, i was one of the tallest on the team and i had a good shot. Since starting netball I've played every position at least once, I started at GK and somehow ended up at the other end of the court.

The timer went off signalling the start of the match so we all got into position ready for the whistle. It was out first centre and the ball moved quickly, i stood at the top of the D with my defender in front of me and put my hand up signalling for my team mates to pass it behind me. They looped it over so i moved back to catch it under the net, then i shot and got it in.

The first quarter was over and the score was 7-4 to us. I grabbed my water from Jacob and then went to my coach with everyone else.

"Keep it up girls your doing really well. Try to switch game play up a bit, they're catching on to your patterns." She smiled. We all nodded and i went back to Jacob to give him my water before we were back on.

"Your doing pretty rubbish Riley." Jacob said with a smirk.

I passed him my water. " If i was rubbish you wouldn't sit here and watch me play every week." I smirked back, then turned my back to him to get back on court.

We were now at the end of the third quarter and it was 21-20 to us and it was there centre with only 30 seconds left on the clock. The ball moved down the court to their end, there GA took a shot but missed. Maddison the GD on my team picked it up. I looked up at the clock and there were 10 seconds left. I got the ball in the last 3 seconds, i was far away from the net but i had to take the shot. I aimed and released the ball from my grip as it flew through the air. The ball didn't hit the sides and it went straight in just as the buzzer hit.

"Nice shot." Jacob smiled, and passed me my water.

"Thanks, oh btw the other team were saying you're hot." I said as a sat down enxt to him.

"I mean they aren't wrong." He praised himself.

"They're my age that's weird." I pulled a disgusted face.

"All teenage girls are weird, You think Dylan O'Brien's hot and he's almost 30."

"Yeah because has actually hot, and not called Jacob." I laughed.

"Well i don't see Dylan O'Brien with a girlfriend."

"Wait what?" I stood confused.

He turned me around and pushed me back on court. "The clock has started."

I looked back at him and he just laughed at my confusion.

Half way through the last quarter i was just about the dodge my defender to get the ball and she stood on my foot. The foot with all my cuts. I felt the ait being sucked out of me with the shock and pain.

"Sorry, are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry about it." I managed to say.

My team mate got the ball and scored.

I held the tears in best i could, and tried to stay standing. The shock of it caught me of guard and i felt my throat closing. Luckily there was only a minute left on the clock.

Once the clock went off i said well played to the other team, i walked over to the side and sat down next to Jacob trying to get air in my lungs.

"What happened?" Jacob asked.

"I'm fine." I said as he passed me my water.

"Yeah right, you haven't ran so you cant be out of breath." The look on his face was serious now.

"The player stood on my foot and i wasn't expecting it." I finally caught my breath back.

"Well don't go into shock." He laughed and stood up  in front of me offering his hand out. "You won anyways."

"What was the score?"


"Good, can we go now?"

"Sure come on."

We got home and i jumped straight in the shower. My  sock had lines of blood but i ignored it. After my shower, i went to find Issac around the house but i couldn't find him. I went back down stairs to Jacob.

"Jake, where's Issac?" I asked.

"He's working remember." He said from the kitchen.

"Great." I said to myself.

I ran back up stairs and knocked on Leos room.

"What do you want?" He  shouted.

I walked in to see him sat on his bed with his ps4 controller in his hand.

"What?" He said not looking up and still concentrating on his game.

"Some girl stood on my foot." I said closing the door.

"Right so, she stood on your foot." He stayed looking at the screen.

I walked up to him and pulled the controller out of his hand, He looked up at me as if I'd just murdered someone.

"And your wearing my hoodie, I swear to god Riley." He said angry. Oh anger problems i forgot.

"My foot." I said louder hoping it would make it more clear for him.

"Yes your foot, it will survive." I looked at him with wide eyes. "Oh shit." He realised. I  tossed the remote control on his bed as he stood up. "Wait here." He said before walking out.

I took the tissue off I'd shoved on it after my shower to make sure the blood wouldn't go on my bed sock.

Leo came back and shut the door behind him with the stuff in his hand.

"Did you win at least?" He looked up at me from where he was now crouched on the ground.

"Yeah." I laughed.

"It's a good job i love you you know."

"I'd be worried if you didn't."

"When did you last do it?" He asked.

"Do what?"


"I don't know." I said, not knowing what else to say.

"You do." He replied.

"The day before everyone found out." I said quietly.

"Have you wanted to do it since?" He said, and i stayed quite. "Riley?" He said sternly.


"There all done." He stood up.

I took my other shoe off and put my sock on my other foot so no one would see it while i walked to my room.

"Thank you." I said as i walked towards the door.

"Wait." Leo said as he walked towards me. He pulled me into a hug. " I've seen it now, so i'll know if you do it again. Please Riley, if you want to do it come to me." He pulled away to look me in the eyes. "Promise?"

I nodded and then he gave me another hug before i left. I got back in my room.

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