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I woke up the next morning and my knuckle stung a lot, so i went downstairs to find someone and get breakfast.

I was walking down the stairs and i saw dad with his back turned to me on the phone. I couldn't really hear what he was saying fully, but i did hear him talking about money. I immediately turned round and ran back up the stairs back to my room.

I sat on my bed on my phone for a while to pass time. I looked at the time and realised i only had 10 minutes to get ready. Shit.

I rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I went to grab the toothpaste but there was none left. I looked through all the cupboards under the sink but there wasn't any.

"ISSAC!" I shouted as loud as i could. He came running in as if he was scared.

"What?" He replied.

"There's no toothpaste and I'm in a rush!" I said quickly.

"Shit...erm, who put the shopping away last?" He ran his hands through his hair and thought. "COREY!"

"WHATTTTT!" he shouted back.


"Downstairs!" He was now at the door of the bathroom.

Issac shoved past him and ran downstairs. I grabbed a hair brush and brushed my hair.

"Why aren't you in your uniform yet?" Corey asked.

"I'm running late." I said while grabbing the toothpaste of Issac and wetting my toothbrush before putting the toothpaste on and then putting water on after the toothpaste.

"Have you eaten?" Corey asked.

"Erm...yeah." I said before shoving the toothbrush in my mouth.

I had managed to get my uniform on in under a minute, and i got into the car where everyone else was waiting just a few minutes late.

"You good?" Toby asked.

"Yeah." I said emotionless.

We got to school and i saw Libby and the Ollie in the distance. He winked at me making me blush. I walked on with Libby and we headed to class.

Lunch came round surprisingly fast, and I'm glad it did. I got so many stares from random kids looking at the bandage around my hand. It was so annoying.

We all sat down in our usual spot with everyone and ate will talking. I already told Libby about how i punched a wall, i didn't tell her why.

"Riley, Liam will put a new thing on your hand after school." Toby said before shovelling food in his mouth.

"You mean a bandage." i asked laughing a little.

"Yeah whatever." he replied.

I turned back to Libby chatting with her.

"Oh I'm going to ask Liam about the plan tonight for tomorrow." I said to her

"I dunno anymore." She replied.

"Aw come on Libby don't pussy out."

"Fine, but don't you dare leave me."


The rest of the day went pretty slow and it was time to go home. I jumped in the car and i was really tired. Everyone else was in the car and we set off home. PING! i looked at my phone to see Liam had texted me.

Liam: When we get home come to my room so we can talk.

Me: Okay

When we got home dad welcomed us with a hug and gave me a kiss on the head. i shot him a smile and then headed upstairs. I dropped my bag in my room, then headed to Liam's room. He was sat on his desk chair so i plonked on his bed.

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