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The next day after school Libby got a ride with us while Liam went in Alex's car. As soon as we got in the house i grabbed Libby by the arm and pulled her upstairs. I sat her on my desk chair pointing at the make up and then i escaped to my wardrobe to find her some clothes to wear. I picked out some black leggings with a cropped top that had daises on it. Yes it was a little revealing but one it was Libby and not me Two Liam doesn't really care.

"Hurry up and get dressed." I shouted to Libby laughing also.

"You still need to get dressed shut up." Libby fired back while finishing of her make up.

She looked beautiful, even with natural make up. She would look even better when she got out of her school uniform. I stood and smiled at her for a while until she gave me a death glare. I went back to the wardrobe and grabbed my Nike legging like the basic bitch i am. I'm not impressing anyone so i might as well be comfy. I grabbed out a plain red cropped top, and then i shut the doors to the wardrobe and quickly got dressed. I also put some fluffy bed socks on and so did Libby.

We got downstairs to an empty living room. Dad and a few of the guys where out food shopping, I think toby and Leo where at Rugby practice for their team. I texted Liam with the down wards arrow and i the stairs emoji, telling him to come downstairs. Libby had escaped to the kitchen most likely to root through the cupboards to find some food.

I went in the kitchen to see what she was doing and she was looking in the cupboards with a disappointed face.

"There nothing in here, you normally have loads of food. I swear if you ate it all Riley." She turned round leaning her back against the counter and looking sternly at me.

"What do you expect i live with 7 guys, who eat constantly." I laughed leaning on the counter opposite.

"8 now that your dads back, that dude is scary."

"Oh yeah... he likes you though."

"I know, who doesn't like me?"

"i don't like you."

"yeah i don't like you either, not gonna lie your a bit of a bitch."

"Your a bigger bitch though."

"Your not wrong."

We both looked at each other for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. After we controlled our laughter i walked towards the fridge to see one KitKat left.

"Liam, go get some food..."Libby shouted while walking out the kitchen only to bump into Alex. "Shit I'm sorry." She smiled awkwardly yet innocently looking up to Alex.

"Don't worry about it." He replied back with a more confident smile.

I tried to slowly grab the KitKat hoping Libby wouldn't notice. She didn't until i tried to unwrap it and the tinfoil rattled. She lunged at me grabbing the KitKat but i didn't let go of it. We were now both rolling on the floor trying to get the kit Kat for ourselves. I held it up high so she wouldn't be able to reach it. I was proud of my thinking until some snatched it out of my hand. Me and Libby both looked up to see Liam smiling with the KitKat in his hand. He opened it right in front of out eyes, snapped it in half and gave a side to Alex.

"You can't do that!" I yelled.

"yes i can and i just did." Liam said back calmly still smiling.

"We are hungry, you don't take food off a hungry girl, She will go hangry on you."

"Why what do hangry girls do?" Alex asked with a smug grin on his face.

"This!" Libby lunged at Alex knocking him on the floor. 

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