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Liam's Pov

It had surely been longer than 30 minutes by now. These white walls made me fell sick and the hospital smell was not at all comforting. I felt my hands tingling because my hand had gone numb due to me leaning my head in them. I never liked the feeling of pins and needles, Riley did she's just an odd person. The thoughts of Riley were spiralling round my head continuously, it was my fault she had fallen down the stairs. I pushed her. The guilt was murderous and felt like a stab threw the heart. How did i do this to my little sister, all because of that stupid fucking guy. Dad!

I stood up in anger and stormed over to the front desk, only to be meet with a girl and her moody features.

"Where's my sister? its been longer than 30 minutes!" I said sternly, trying to stay calm and not lose it but not too soft too show i was being serious.

She looked up from sitting on her arse and smirked at me. She was young with blonde hair, her cheek bones where evident and her lips where glossy pink. She was attractive but that was besides the point. She had a shitty personality and i could just tell.

"Oh yeah she's in room 213" She shifted her glare at me back to the computer she was looking at.

I then moved away from my desk and saw a sign that directed me to room 213, It was up two levels on the left hand side of the building.

"Room 213!" I said to the rest of my brothers who were sat down, they got up quickly and Jacob aggressively pressed the lift button.

"Liam where are you going?" Toby asked me with confusion and stress upon his face.

"Taking the stairs." I turned back to the direction i was walking almost immediately and pushed through the double doors leading to the stairs. I couldn't stand and wait for the lift.

I started running up the stairs taking two steps at a time. I heard someone behind me but i ignored it until i realised they were right beside me, it was Caleb. We glanced a look at each other then continued up the stairs.

We reached level two and swung the doors open. A sign was right in front of out faces telling us that Riley's room was on the left. We walked at a fast pace looking at every room number until we found room 213.

Caleb reached for the handle and hesitated before opening it up, consumed by his thoughts. He turned his head slightly towards me so i could see his face.

"Was it dad?" He asked simply and almost sounded fragile. I nodded softly.

He opened the door and we were immediately settled to seeing Riley, even though she was unconscious. I'll admit it she looked awful, compared to her usual pretty face. We walked closer towards her, pulling up some chairs as we did. Issac was stood at the window looking out While Leo was sat on a chair next to her with his head in his hands. None of them looked up at us, or the rest of them when they came in.

We all circled around her bed in silence as we just watched her chest go up and down. We all waited for someone to stay something but no one did until a man came in and did it for us.

"I'm guessing your all brothers?" He spoke loudly in the once quite room. A few yeah's i heard muttered and nods from us all.

"Well she had quite a hard fall, she lost a lot of blood but her heads stitched up. She must have hit her head harder than we initially though because she's got quite a server concussion but nothing to worry about, it will clear up in a few day to a week. She's also sprained her wrist and got bruises but she fine." He Smiled slightly at us all and then left.

"Did you ring dad?" Caleb said directed to Issac.

"He wasn't answering." He replied folding his arms.

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