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Riley's Pov
I woke up to a pair of long muscular arms wrapped around me. I turned to see Issac asleep, confusion flooded my face. How did he get there?

He had woken up due to me moving around trying to figure out what to do. As soon as he opened his eyes he looked wide awake. How? I was definitely not a morning person but I guess he was.

"Why are you her?" I said while turning to him bringing my hand to his hair and playing with it. All my brothers had nice hair, I was jealous. It's not that I didn't like my hair, it was too ordinary. It was long, brown and naturally straight.

"You fell asleep in my arms last night and I didn't want to move and wake you." He sat up from resting on the head boars of my bed.

"Oh now I remember, did I?"

"Yeah you had a panic attack." he got up from the bed and headed towards the door. "Come on lets go get breakfast." I ran to catch up with him.

When we got downstairs everyone was awake and they all stared at me as i walked into the kitchen. Leo stood up from the table and rushed over and gave me a massive hug.

"Are you okay? You scared the shit out of me." He said burying his head into my shoulder.

"Don't worry I'm okay." That was a slight lie, but he didn't need to know.

"Hey, i'm sorry about getting angry yesterday." He tucked the hair behind my ear.

"i knew you'd get angry anyways that's why i didn't tell u at school."

I sat down at the table in my usual spot, and the table was oddly quite. I didn't have Liam complaining every second, there was no talk about the latest football or rugby team, nothing but the sound of knifes and folks hitting the plate.

"Why are you all being quite, I don't like it." I said breaking the Silence. They all stayed quite, not even looking up.

"Omg, someone please speak." I slammed down my cutlery on my plate.

"Don't slam them on the plate it will break." Jacob spoke not looking up.

"Why are you all being like this, your acting like Rugby has been cancelled."

"No if that happened we'd all be punching walls." Toby spoke up. He had a point.

"Well if no ones gonna speak i'll just go to my room and get ready, I need a shower anyways." I stood up quickly and fast walked to my room.

I slammed my door, I'm not even sure why I was mad. Maybe it was because they were all acting different because of what happened last night. Whatever it was I didn't like it.

I jumped in the shower to refresh after last night. I also ran over my lines to my script in my head, I had drama today so I needed to know my lines. There was no way I could forget that line, I couldn't really forget it.

I got ready for school and headed down stairs to see what everyone else was doing. Turns out no one was downstairs, was I early? I checked my phone and realised it was 8:55, school started in 5 minutes. I shouted up the stairs in a panic to tell they boys to hurry up. When I got no reply i ran up stairs and opened Toby's room which was the closest to the stairs, no one was there. I checked Leos and Liam's too but still no one to be seen.

I then realised Jacob should be home so I ran to his room and found him laid on his bed watching Tv. He didn't notice me walk in until I spoke.

"Where the hell is Leo, Toby and Liam, I'm gonna be late." I said sharply to show I was stressing.

"Oh did no body tell you. I'm meeting with your head teacher at half 9 so I'm gonna take you in then because he wants to talk to you as well."

"Oh great because I really want to speak to another stupid teacher who's going to have a go at me for something that wasn't my fault. " I flew my arms up in frustration.

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