Twenty One

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I couldn't sleep last night, I'd only got around a few hours sleep. I mostly just watched Issac sleep on the chair beside me, he looked peaceful when he slept compared to his usual serious expression. The rest of my brothers had gone home after we had eaten because they didn't really need to stay and there was only one chair comfortable enough to sleep in. Most of them where pissed at it but it is what it is.

I mainly went on my phone all night because it was more entertaining than just staring at the celling. I tried to put some sleeping music on but it didn't work, my brain just wouldn't switch off.

When it was around half 7 i texted Libby to let her know i was okay, she told me that Alex drove her home but she didn't tell me anything else that happened between them both, but i would get it out of her eventually.

I hadn't heard from Ollie in like a week now, he was being really weird. Maybe it was because last time i saw him he tried to take my top off and i said no, then he shouted at me and did it anyways. Then i tried to leave and go home but he blocked the door. He apologised after so i guess it was okay. We hadn't even kissed, he just wanted to do other stuff.

I heard movement and my eyes directed over to Issac who was just waking up. His hair was all over the place which made him look like a hedgehog.

"Morninnnn." I said smiling, quoting George Weasley from Harry Potter.

"Good morning how you feeling?" He was still trying to open his eyes in the bright room.

"Not too bad." I replied scrolling through Instagram.

He had finally opened his eyes and stood up quickly and then snatched my phone right from my hand.

"Hey what are you doing, give it back?" I said loudly.

"Are you stupid? you have a concussion you can't have your phone." He said sitting back down and putting my phone in the pocket of his hoodie.

"That makes no sense, it's my head not my eyes."

"Yeah but the lights on the screen will prevent your head from resting and it will make it worse." He slumped deeper in the chair.

"Well can you go get my book at home so i can read?" I sat up and turned to him quicker than i should have and it hurt and i winced.

"Be careful, you can't sit up quickly just lie down, and no i can't because you cant read either, that's just as straining."

"Well I'm bored, and i don't want to lie down."

"go to sleep then."

"I've already been to sleep and i don't want to do that."

"Really? Well from the eye bags and black under eyes you don't look like you've been to sleep."

"I always have eye bags and black under eyes, i just don't have make up to cover them up."

"Riley I'm not stupid, i know you haven't slept." He stood up and walked to the door grabbing the handle.

"Where are you going?" He didn't answer and opened the door revealing Caleb and Cory. Issac went out the room and i didn't know why." Where's he going?"

"Coffee probably." Cory responded while pulling up an extra chair because Caleb had already taken the comfy one.

"I'm bored" I said crossing my arms.

"Issac mentioned, that's why we are here." Caleb said sitting back in the chair.

"Well you guys think of something we can do while i go pee and change." I got up from the bed slowly and then pulled a hoodie and shorts out of the bag Caleb brought yesterday.

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