Thirty six

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It soon came lunch but i wasn't hungry, i desperately wanted to eat food but i think I'd just throw up again. I decided i was going to try to eat anyways even if it was only a little bit because it was better than nothing. Plus My brothers would get suspicious.

Luckily we didn't have to wait in the line for ages and soon enough we were at the front. I slid my tray along the railing and skipped past the desert section and instead grabbed two bottles of water. I was right behind everyone with Libby being in front of me.

"What are you having today Riley?" The dinner lady asked. She was nice and i liked her.

"Can i have the pasta please but could i have a smaller section, i had a big breakfast." I smiled at her.

"Of course." She smiled back.

I hadn't had anything this morning, i never eat in the morning anyways, but I'd rather someone else having a normal sized portion and eating it than me wasting it.

I took my plate from her and then went to pay, which was fast. Libby waited while i payed like always and then we headed over to our table.

Libby sat down next to Alex and was stuck next to Liam. Libby told me that her and Alex was now secretly dating, and it was a secret i was more than happy to keep. I was great at keeping secrets, maybe too good sometimes, but it always gave me an advantage.

I stared at the plate before me and i felt like the pasta was laughing back at me as crazy as that sounds. I grabbed my water and decided that i was gonna drink loads of water first so then if i didn't eat all my dinner i could blame it on drinking too much water.

After a while, I'd managed to eat a good third of the pasta which was an improvement. I secretly moved some pasta on to Liam's, but he didn't notice. Then when there was only a small portion left i asked Liam if he wanted it and he of course said yes. But then I made him take my tray because he ate it.

Libby went to take her tray as well as everyone else, so i was left on the table with Leo. He came and sat next to me. He looked at me with a concerned look for a while before he spoke.

"When did you go sleep last night?" He asked as he lent his elbow on the table.

"erm i think it was around 11:30 why you ask?" I also put an elbow on the table.

"Your eyes look like you haven't slept." When he said that my heart skipped a beat.

"I just haven't put make up on today, i was being lazy." I smiled. I actually put a shit ton of make up on trying to cover my black under eyes.

"You don't need make up on anyways." Leo smiled.

"Stop complimenting me i don't like it." I smiled and punched him on the arm.

"I'll compliment you all i want, your the Little Owens." He started tickling me and he knew i was most ticklish, under my armpits.

"Stop Leo." I laughed until he finally stopped when everyone started pilling back on the table.

Libby was sat across from me but we were now in between everyone and not sat at the edge of the table.

"Riley, what have you got next lesson?" She asked.

All of a sudden it all hit me, I replied with a breath held in my lungs.


Hey guys, I haven't really said much in a while.

This is a shorter chapter, but this is the second update today which i normally don't do but here you are. And i like leaving chapter on cliff-hangers :)

There's been so many reads and i never expected anything like it, so thank you all it means a lot. 

I feel like with every chapter this story is getting more and more serious and bring up a lot of things. SO if anyone needs someone to talk to about anything I'm only a text away, you can contact me via Instagram ( Lucy_parkes123) or on this.

And thank you again for all the reads, it has helped me get out of my hole and feel better.

plz vote for your favourite chapters and i enjoy reading comments so feel free to comment on anything. <3

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