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After an hour or so of me a Liam annoying Toby and whining at him, Jacob and Leo returned to the house with 6 Pizza boxes in there hands. Me and Liam swung our heads round to look at the door after smelling how amazing it smelt. Toby threw the remotes to my lap and ran towards them both grabbing one of the boxes out of the pile and heading to the table. It wasn't long before Issac Caleb and Corey came flyting down the stairs.

We all rushed to the table, I waited until patiently for everyone to get there pizza.

"Please tell me you got one with just cheese, you know I prefer just cheese." I exclaimed when i saw 5 pizza boxes on the table with meat and other stuff I didn't want on a pizza.

"Don't worry we didn't forget about you." Jacob handed me a box and I had a big smile on my face.

I opened it up and took in the glorious smell, I love pizza. I was sat in between Caleb and Corey, Leo was opposite me with Toby and Liam either side of him and Issac sat at the head of the table. Our dinning table could fit around 20 people round it but we never managed to fill it. The extra chairs were in the basement somewhere.

"Hey!" I shouted as Caleb took a slice of my pizza.

"Your not going to eat it all anyway." He replied stuffing pizza in his face.

I ignored him as I knew his statement was most likely true. After 15 minutes all the rest of the pizza was gone apart from mine, I had only managed to eat 4 slices and I was stuffed.

"So who gets the 3 pieces Riley." Toby asked eyeing up my pizza.

"I say bulldog." I said while slouching back in my chair.

"I agree, but who's going to be in the middle." Corey asked while stroking his non existing beard.

"I'll turn around, Issac will give everyone a random number, and whichever number I pick will have to be in the middle which means no Pizza."

I got up at of my seat and faced the wall so I couldn't see who got each number.

"Okay you can turn around now and pick a number." Liam said sounding rather excited.

"Okay...number 5."

"For fucks sake." Caleb sulked.

We headed into the garden on the grass to play bulldog, I decided to join in as well even though i didn't want anymore pizza. And I knew for a fact that Caleb was going to try get me down first. It was mid May so it was still bright outside and the grass was dry.

We all lined up and waited for Caleb to shout go.

"GO!" He shouted.

I sprinted towards the other end and I could see him aiming for me. As I got closer to him I realised I was next to Toby so I shoved him into Caleb so he wouldn't get me. It wasn't cheating, it was called being smart.

I successfully reached the other side with everyone else. Toby gave me a look, and I'm telling you if looks could kill, I'd still be alive because Toby's expression looked stupid and we all laughed at him.

The next round commenced and I knew that this time there was no way ide be able to survive. I sprinted as fast as I could now having to evade both Caleb and Toby. They both ran towards me closing me in, they tackled me down and all three us of slammed against the ground. When I was on the Floor I managed to grab on to Corey's foot causing him to tumble to the ground as well.

I lied on my back Laughing, I loved playing this game even if it was with 7 taller and stronger boys who have all played on the schools Rugby team, except from Issac he was more into football but he was still very good at Rugby.

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