Chapter Five

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She heard a crash from the kitchen.

She oviously yelled too loud.

Flori went downstairs to make sure Grady and Edaline were calm, and to tell them about the Conjuring.

"What was so important it made you manifest two abilities?" Mr. Forkle asked, still on the imparter.

"Oh... oh. Ugh, well, there was a note in my room," Mr. Forkle stiffened, "From Keefe. Apparently he ran away and is now in the forbidden cities." Sophie said.

"Oh. I'll notify the Collective at once." Mr. Forkle desided.

"And the Concil." Sophie reminded him.

Mr. Forkle dragged a hand down his face. "Yes. Yes I do." He confirmed.

Sophie ended the call, and the emotions of, well, everything, caught up to her.

She found herself callapsed on her bed sobbing.


Then her imparter buzzed as someone called her.

Her hopes soared as the imparter said it was Keefe.

Maybe he desided not to leave!

So, expecting Keefe, her insides shrivled as she instead found Ro.

"Ugh! He is such an idiot!" Sophie exclaimed.

"Well, your the last person to figure that out. Now only if you would figure out the big mystery!" Ro responded.

Sophie rubbed her temples.

"I've told Mr. Forkle." Sophie informed Ro.

"Oh, already?" Ro asked, surprised.

"Well, not for that. I kinda manifested. Then I manifested again. Or maybe at the same time. I don't know!" Sophie threw her hands up in the air, a look of exasperation visible on her face. 

"Okay... you should probably tell your friends about Keefe. And manifesting or whatever. I'm going to start searching. You want to come giantor?" Ro said the last part loud enough to let Sandor hear it better.

"I guess if Flori and Tarnia watch Sophie, and Sophie stays home." Sandor called back. 

Sophie rolled her eyes. He had been soooo overprotective lately, just because Sophie had lit a Neverseen storehouse on fire.

"Whatever. Go."

Sandor walked out of Sophie's room as she ended the call with Ro.

Sophie went downstairs to try to explain to her parents about where Sandor had left and about *sigh* Keefe. And her abilities.

This would be a fun conversation.

As Sophie went down to the kitchen, she relised it was quiet.

Too quiet.

"Mom?! Dad?!" She shouted at no one.

Then she saw a note on the kitchen counter, with a wax seal, with the Neverseen symbol on it.

Sophie's hands shook as she broke the seal and unrolled the note, and what was written inside made her blood run cold.



 You think you are safe, oh how very wrong you are.

Let this be a message.

You are not safe and you are not strong enough to protect the people you care about.

Meet us at midnight tonight at Kenric's wanderling.

Do not tell anyone. If you do we will make sure that your bodyguards and  parents will die without saying goodbye.


Sophie cried. Grady and Edaline were kidnapped, along with Tarina and Flori, and they presumably got Sandor.

She looked at the clock. It was 10:45.

She defiently wasn't getting any sleep, so she instead changed into a combat outfit that Flori made.

Thinking about Flori made Sophie cry, as she loaded her pOcKEtS (sorry) with weapons.

It was now 11:30. She didn't want to be early.

She decided to write a note to her friends.

She kept it vauge.



I wish I could do more. But it's all my fault. All the scars. All the pain. It came from me. Whatever happens, just know that, I'm sorry.



She decided to project the note from Keefe.

Then she remebered the Neverseen's threat to her. She decided to put the notes in her pOcKEt she decided that, if she survived, she would give them to her friends.

It was 11:55. She decided to head to the Wanderling woods so she could find Kenric's tree.

~lazy time skip to when she is in the woods~

She looked at her watch, 11:59.

It suddenly changed to 12:00.

Suddenly she was in a force field. Ruy's handiwork.

"What do you want?!" She yelled at the black cloaks.

"We want many things." Vespera's voice said.

"What do you want from me right now?" 

"Ah, now we're getting to the real questions. We want to make a simple bargain. You come with us, you tell us some information, we let your parents and bodyguards go."

"And what about me?"

"That is for us to figure out. Now do you accept the deal?"

"Will you promise my friends and family are safe?"

"It depends of if they come after you. And if you give us the information we want."

"Do I even really have a choice?"

"Well, you can come with us and your friends and family are mainly safe, or you can not cooperate and the same thing that happened to him," she gestered to Kenric's tree, "will happen to your friends and family. And we wouldn't want that would we?"

Sophie's hands balled into fists. "Ooooh, the Moonlark's fiesty!" said another voice, Ruy "What you gonna do about it? Your stuck in that little cage of your's!" he walked up to force field.

"What you need to learn is to stop underestimating me!" she suddenly lunged through e forcefield at Ruy.

Almost 900 words! Oh my! My sleep has gone out the window!

As you *probaly* know, it's 2021!

Also, my thing hates me, it says, like,everything is incorrectly spelled! 

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