Chapter Eighteen

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By the way, I will stop at 20 chapters! Once I'm done you can check out my other stories. I might do another KotLC one too!

Keefe PoV 

When we exited the void, we were in Foster's bedroom. They landing was, as usual, not smooth. But I couldn't comment on the landing, because Foster fell directly onto her bed and fell asleep immediately.

Something made me feel like she had something to do with that. But I couldn't think long as Grady literally dragged me out of her room.

We went down to the kitchen, and Edaline, being Edaline, felt obligated to make mallowmelt. Grady then began to interrogate me about literally everything that happened. We were interrupted by the Forklinator and the rest of the gang, and of course bombarded me with where I was, what happened, and a lot of the same stuff Grady asked me about.

 After two whole hours they were calmed down and Edaline brought over the mallowmelt.

"Who wants to try to wake up Sophie?" Edaline asks.

Fitz, Biana, and I stood up all at once. Biana gave Fitz a death glare until he sat down. I grabbed a piece of mallowmelt and we went up to Foster's room. There we found Foster drooling on her pillow, knocked out cold.

"SOPHIE!!" Biana yelled in her ear, but there was no reaction from Sophie. 

We tried yelling at her a few more times before I gave up and slapped her. Foster  stirred and groaned, rolling over to her side.

"Sophie, I know you're awake. You need to get out of bed!" Biana told Sophie forcefully.

"Noooooooo! I'm tired!" Sophie said back.

"If you don't get out of bed you won't get the mallowmelt!" I said.

Sophie rolled off her bed, and started rolling to the stairs, then she slithered down the stairs. All the way down to the kitchen. When she got to the kitchen while on her side, few people took notice.

"Foster you know you can't reach the mallowmelt like that, right?" I asked her.

"Who said I can't?" She asked. A plate of mallowmelt hovered down near her face. And she began eating on the floor.

"Foster you can't just- you know what, whatever." I say. I pick her up and she holds her mallowmelt tight. I plop her down onto a couch.

She finishes her mallowmelt and falls asleep on the couch. I feel like joining her but Grady wouldn't like that.

So I settle on going home to my own, lonely bed.








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