Chapter Eleven

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A/N you know you're late to update when you have to reread your own chapter. Woops.

3rd Person PoV

The gang were gathering at Everglen to discuss Sophie's disappearance.

They had been working on the problem separately when they got word from the Council.

They had just gotten information that someone visiting Kenric's wanderling when they noticed burn marks on the grass.

They had also found three notes, one seemed to be a projection of a note from Keefe to Sophie, another one from Sophie to them, and a wax sealed note from the Neverseen. 

She is ours

Over is the war

Prisoner like the rest

Hero no more

Irresponsible little girl

Everything will burn down

Fighting is not an option

Overconfidence will be your downfall

Stop the plans

To protect them all

Everyone is in danger

Run before it crumbles to dust

They had concluded that the Neverseen definitely kidnapped Sophie, and that she had probably met them there.

The Neverseen seemed to have another weapon, though no one could figure out what it was.

Marella had a theory that they had a powerful new pyrokenetic because of the sixth line, "Everything will burn down" and Dex immediately agreed with her, saying it was the most likely. 

But they had no evidence, seeing that other than Sophie, her parents, and her bodyguards, which had been kidnapped, no one had gone missing recently. 

Suddenly, Sophie's voice cut through their conversation, saying I'm okay, there is a breakout. You need to help. The coordinates are 50 62 38. It is in a hour. You need to find Edaline, Grady, and my bodyguards. Stay safe. I will teleport to Havenfield, tell Elwin to be there.

She stopped transmitting, and everyone looked around, making sure that they didn't imagine Sophie's voice in their heads.

They then contacted Mr.Forkle to make the crystal and get Black Swan soldiers gathered to help with the breakout.

The crystal was ready fifteen minutes before they needed to be at the base, but Grizel and the other insignificant goblins insisted to scout out the area, and of course the whole gang wanted to come, so they could just stay there to make sure everything runs smoothly.

They arrived with ten minutes to spare at a normal-looking tree that Dex assured them was mechanical, saying that one of the branches lowered the ground around the tree into a spiral staircase

But the breakout time deadline came and went and nothing happened. When they finally decided to go home, people came out of the trees in black cloaks and shoved sweet clothes over their mouths and noses. And dragged them into a pathfinder's light.

I just was like *squints at last chapter* this is too straight forward. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm going to pretend that Sophie getting out and SIKE! Not that easy! Mwahahahahah!

I'm in a mood. In this chapter I had no dialogue, no 1st person pov, too many mysteries, waiting to be discovered. 

I'm a big *cough* gravity falls *cough* fan.

Also, I've been lazy. We had a snow day on Monday-It was actually freezing rain and the roads were icy- and I (obviously) didn't post then so, lazy writer :P

And I changed the cover, so now it's fancy loopy words

Stay safe! Talk less! Smile MORE! Don't let them know what you're against, or what you're for...! 

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