Fun bonus chapter

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I've gotten some vague ideas that would go well with this story and I might want to make it kind of before o ne of my other books (kotlc and pjo crossover) so I might lead into that! This might turn into a few short chapters or one long chapter, and I also want to explain some things maybe?

Hope you guys like it!

Lets just say Grady wasn't very happy that Keefe and Sophie were sleeping together on the couch.

 Edaline had to get him out of the house and into the pastures so Keefe didn't have to feel Grady's wraith just yet.

Mr. Forkle told everyone who wasn't there to come over to Sophie's house to "discuss certain things" as Mr. Forkle put it. 

Biana had to eventually wake up Sophie and Keefe, and Sophie's face was bright red for the next 30 minutes. Keefe wasn't embarrassed. He was scared of Grady. Thankfully Edaline decided her and Grady were instead going to be outside in the pastures.

About 3/4 of the cookies were somehow still alive, mainly because they figured out that about half of the group had severe lactose intolerance, and when they tried to figure out why they had pooped out their guts, they got a hold of the recipe. 

No one wanted to eat the cookies because there were "unborn animals" in the cookies. And no one trusted Sophie around sugar anymore no matter how many times she tried to explain the completely different concepts of sugar and caffeine. The cookies lay abandoned in the kitchen.

When everyone was finally there Mr. Forkle explained how Sophie had somehow managed to get  three more abilities in a week. 

Apparently phasing wasn't planned but was more of in her genetics. Conjuring was one of the ones they had planned, as it would be helpful in battle. 

The reason the pyrokenetics appeared was apparently because they had put something in her genetic code to specifically block it, and Keefe was able to do something in her emotional center so they were connected. Actually, he believed that all of her new abilities were connected to her emotional center, and her emotions somehow triggered them from the note.

Once everyone recovered from the discussion they went into the kitchen. Everyone was talking around and eating snacks when Dex noticed something. "Where are the cookies?" Everyone when into a panic. On the tray where the cookies were, there where instead blue crumbs from the cookies.

This, my dear Watson, is where the true mystery begins. Before they had the discussion, most of the cookies were there. No one left during the conversation, and there were no voices from the kitchen. They had been stolen. They deemed it the blue cookie great debacle.

Eventually everyone gave up on the case and they deemed it unsolvable. 

And across the world a group of demigods were discussing what to do while eating a batch of blue cookies.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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