6. lust

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"did you know she going to stay over?"
"no .. i thought she was going to leave after"
"do you think?"
"what! fred .. actually who knows"

I opened my eyes to see Lee and Fred standing right in front of me.

"Look! You stupid, you woke her up." said Lee. "Not my fault!" said Fred.

I didn't even bother to pay attention to them.
I felt a heavy arm on me: George.

"Don't worry, you guys look cute cuddling." said a female voice. "Ginny! Since when have you been here!?" exclaimed Fred "Not long .. But long enough to see those two cuddling." she laughed.

"You're not even suppose to be here." said Lee. "Well .. that makes two of us." As she looked directly at me. "I still do not understand how they are friends." explained Fred.

"What time is it!?" I said.
As school finally came kicking into my head

"Don't worry but you probably have 20 minutes to get to your first class." Lee said. "Lucky us, we don't have a first class!" continued Lee as he high-five Fred.
"Oh bloody hell!" I said as I quickly put my slippers on and ran out.

I didn't have any time for breakfast.
I walked out of the Gryffindor Common Room. Of course getting a few strange looks from Gryffindors.

Finally, making my way to the Slytherin Common Room. I walked into my dormitory.
I was preparing myself to hear an upset Pansy.

"And you?! Where the hell have you been?!" she said as I quickly grabbed my clothes and started to get myself ready. "Class starts in 15 minutes! oh dear!" she said.

"I am not done yelling at you though! I was worried but couldn't do anything. You are so lucky Draco didn't come into the dormitory!" she said "Yes, yes Pansy. I know. I promise I will tell you everything but first, let's make it to class. I do not need another lateness" I said "Very well." she said as she turned around and made her way out of the dormitory.

I couldn't help but think, how I felt bad just leaving George there. He was so sweet to me.
But .. I couldn't get sidetracked ..
This is all a game.

"Oh my!" said Pansy as I told her what went down.

"I mean it's not a big deal but still .. a big step!" she said. "You're getting really close to him which is good." she said.

"But enough about me, how was the date?" I asked her as I wiggled my eyebrows. "Wonderful, we went stargazing!" she explained as we made our way to our table for lunch.

"Ladies." said Blaise as he was already sitting at the table with Draco.

"So Blaise, how did it go with your lady friend?" I said as I wigged my eyebrows at him. "Shut it." he warned me.

"I leave for one night and you already had a girl over" Draco yelled. "And you! .. Shut it as well" said Blaise as he threw him a piece of bread.

Then, a bunch of owls came flying into the Great Hall.

"I forgot it was post day!" exclaimed Pansy.

All at once came flying in the Owls.
Finally, I noticed a snowy owl which belonged to me flying next to a eagles-owl which belong to Draco.

"Thank you May" I said to her as I petted her and she went off.

It was the usual stuff I got.
Sweets, galleons and a letter from my mother.
While, of course, Draco got a letter from my father.

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