9. flashbacks

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⚠️TW: abuse will be talked about.

The next morning came and too much was already on my mind. Theodore. George.

It was Friday. I didn't plan on going to classes. If asked, I felt "sick".
Plus, I can't bare seeing George.

"Let's go!" Pansy said as she was already in her uniform "I'm not going to class today." I said as she looked at me, confused.

"I feel sick." I said quickly. "Alright then .. need anything?" asked Pansy. "No it's alright." I said as I flashed a smile & she left.

I sigh.
I made my way to the shower. The hot water quickly hit my body.

Why was Theodore coming back?
I believe my parents have hope for Theo and I to be one again.

Yet, they don't even know what happened ..

The relationship Theodore and I once had was beautiful...

- FlashBack -

Anastasia, sitting alone in the Malfoy Manor.

Her parents were out in a meeting ..
Draco, of course, going with them.

It was a rainy day.
Listening to her Muggle Music. For only, she did this when her parents weren't around.
- Yes, Anastasia believed Muggleborns were below and were "dirty blood."
But she couldn't deny that there music .. was actually good.

All of sudden, it wasn't quiet.
Something was hitting her balcony door. Carefully, looking outside her window ...
It was Theodore Nott, her boyfriend of two months.

She opened her balcony door just enough for her not to get wet.

"What are you doing here!" asked Theodore. "Sorry, I wanted to see my beautiful girlfriend!" said Theodore as Anastasia rolled her eyes.

"Want some Romeo and Juliet shit?" said Theodore as he started to climb up.
"Just get up here!" said Anastasia.

Finally, Theodore got to the balcony door as Anastasia still had the door half opened.

"Are you listening to your Muggle music?" asked Theodore in a disgusted way.
- Just like herself, Theodore didn't like Muggles as well.

"Yes .. so what!" scolded Anastasia. "Hey! Watch that attitude!" called out Theodore.

"Excuse me" he asked as he cleared his throat, he didn't want to come off mean. ".. Are you going to let me in?" asked Theodore. "I'm sorry love but you're wet and I don't wanna dirty my room." replied Anastasia.

Theodore sighed "Guess you will have to join me!" commented Theodore.

Anastasia had no time to react, think or say anything. Theodore quickly grabbed her and pulled her out in the rain.

"THEODORE!" yelled Anastasia.
"Oh shit! .. You mad mad .. you called me by my full name!" cried Theodore ".. Oh well .. but at least I'm not alone now!" laughed Theodore.

Anastasia could never stay mad at Theodore. No matter what it was.

"Fine, if we are out here, can we do those cheesy things couples do in the rain?" asked Anastasia. "Sure" laughed Theodore.

Perfect timing,
"Just the Two of Us" by Grover Washington stated to play.

Theodore started to shake his shoulders as Anastasia laugh at him.
They both started to dance like if they were pros.
Theodore surprisingly knew the lyrics to the song.

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