18. worthy

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"oh my! darling, are you alright?" asked my mother as she ran over to my side.

The way my parents made me feel emotionless made me forgot about me crying.

"I-I'm alright" I said as I wiped my dry up tears.

My mother looked directly looked into my eyes. She knew that I was lying.

I cleared my throat.
"What-What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"We came to get Draco." My mother replied.
My father seemed annoyed.
- Probably because he didn't want my mom saying anything.

But, he knew not to act out because Pansy was present in the room.

"Why?" I asked.
Before my mother could speak, my father spoke.

"My deepest apologies, Pansy, how rude of us not to say hello." said my father as he looked over at my mother.

"Oh .. yes .. Hello Pansy." she said as she cleared her throat.
It was like my mother was his puppet.

"It's alright, Mr & Mrs. Malfoy but it is so nice seeing you." smiled Pansy.

Just how they feel about Theodore, they feel same about Pansy.

"As well as you, darling." smiled back my mother.

I knew my father was acting weird.
It was like he didn't want to tell me something.

"So .. why did you come to get Draco?" I asked as I looked directly at my father.

He cleared his throat.
"No reason. We just have some things to do at home." he replied.

My mother looked at me but quickly, looked away.

"When will you be leaving?" I asked.
"Tomorrow morning." said my father.

I nodded, softly
I had to talk to Draco as soon as possible.

The next morning, I shoot out of my bed.
Showering and getting ready quickly.

I knew I had to talk to Draco ..
Why would my parents need him? ..
Although, I had a feeling I already knew why.

Dusting down my skirt, I knocked on Draco's door.

The door revealed a more than normal neat and "put together" Draco.

"What the hell do you want?" he answered as he walked away and put on his watch.

"Can you put aside any shit we have right now and tell me why mom and dad are here to take you?" I asked, getting right to the point.

"Oh hey Anastasia!" said Blaise as he walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Blaise was never bad looking,
And he surely didn't look bad right now ..

"Blaise .. do you mind?" said Draco referring to me. "My bad .." he said as he awkwardly smiled at me and walked back into the bathroom.

"So now can you tell me?" I asked. "It's none of your business, Anastasia." he recalled.

"No! I'm tired of being put to the side. I'm tired of being number two to you, Draco!" I said.

I was at my breaking point with Draco over shining me.

"Look, it's not my fault, alright?" he said as he grabbed his bag.

That's all he could say ..

"Just fucking tell me, Draco!" I asked.
"No, Anastasia! Can't you just fucking leave it? Fuck! .. It's not my fault father prefers me .." he said.

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