2. candidate

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sadly, Draco and I found our way onto platform 9 3/4.
another school year ... yay ...

the train ride over there was boring.
I mean, I did fall asleep so .. what did I expect?

Finally, we got off the train.
Draco finds Harry Potter right away ..
of course he does! 

"well look who it is .. Saint Potter everyone" he said as he smirked.

"If I were you, I would watch my back .. don't wanna be getting into any trouble, do I stand correct? .. Potter" Draco continued "wouldn't want too" replied Harry

"enough Draco let's go" I said as I grabbed his arm before anything else happened.
Draco is not this bad person .. Father just makes him that way.

We make our way to the Great Hall.
I run up to my best friend, Pansy Parkinson.

"I MISSED YOU" I told her as I hugged her "SAME" she replied. "Oh god" said a voice behind me, which belong to Blaise Zabini.

"Shut it Blaise, I know you missed me" I said with a smile as I hugged him "fine, just don't tell anyone" said Blaise in a whisper voice as I laughed at him.

We all took our seats as Professor Dumbledore began to speak..
I sat in my dormitory reading a book followed by Pansy coming in.

"Hey" I spoke softly "Hello hello" she said with a smile as she threw herself on her bed "I don't even wanna ask" I said as I continued reading my book.

Apparently, she been hooking up with my brother .. Blaise told me

"Pansy, can I get some advice?" I asked "Sure" she said as she got up and sat to me. "Now tell me my child, what do you need?" she asked.

I go on to tell her how my father does not want to take me serious, always putting Draco first, making him doing all the main things in the family which I couldn't tell her but .. you know what I mean .. anyways ..

"I get it, you want your dad to see you, not look pass you" she said as she got up and started walking back and forth.

"I know exactly what to do" she said as she smiled at me "Date someone" she said "what?" I asked
this is not what i was thinking of ..

"you heard me, date somebody, when my father found out i was going out with Adrian Pucey, he got so mad at me which finally made him notice that i'm grown and do whatever the fuck i want" she said "but i wanna piss off my parents also scared them in away" i suggested.

"easy, date someone who will make them mad and this will scare them thinking like oh damn this girl really is dating him, is she really going to stay with him? oh my god she is going out with him, oh no!!" she said as she mocked my parents

"ok ok enough I get your point but who?" i asked "tomorrow morning, we will look at our possible candidates, it has to be someone unexpected" she said as she walked over to her bed

fun ..
i'm just playing this guy .. oh well right?
but love is not for me, Anastasia Ruby Malfoy.
I woke up ready than ever, hopefully this will show my parents i am worthy.

I got up and got into the shower. Pansy said I have to look extra good .. ok .. whatever i guess

Pansy and I make our way to the Slytherin table. We sat down and immediately started looking at everyone.

Our main point was to find someone who will piss my parents off. However, we had other points to add.
Has to be cute in some way
Needs a strong attitude as well
Not Harry Potter

time to find my future 'fake' boyfriend, here i come ..

After breakfast, we didn't find anyone.
During classes, neither did we find anyone good for the job.

- Pansy suggested Blaise but he would never fall for it, plus my parents already know him.
- I said Cormac McLaggen but then, I remember how I wouldn't even stand a minute ..

I was ready to give hope but Pansy insisted we kept looking.
She said how I could actually find love this way .. pathetic 'love'

We met up with Draco so we can make our way to our next class, Potion Class.
I told Pansy not tell Draco anything yet ..
He would get so mad with me. It wouldn't be pretty.

As we made our way to class, Draco bumped into someone by accident but Draco being Draco had to say something ..

"Oí! can't you see I'm walking here!?" Draco said "Calm down Malfoy, the world doesn't revolve around you" said one of the Weasley Twins but couldn't tell which one it was. "Whatever, Weasley" said Draco as he started to rub off his robe

I quickly turn to look at the Weasley Twins, they are so tall.
I never noticed but at the same, why would I, a Malfoy be paying attention to a Weasley?

"ding ding .. we have a winner" whispered Pansy in my ear "are you crazy?!" i stated as she started to walk away with a smile "well let's go" said Draco as I followed him

Pansy must be out of her mind if she thinks I will even be near a Weasley ..

I made sure to sit next to Pansy
The conversation could not wait ..

"eager are we?" said Pansy as she took out her book "oh shut it, your the one going crazy" i replied as i took out my book as well "um excuse me?" she replied

"a Weasley really?" i almost yelled "shh" she said as she looked around "careful Ron can be in this class" she said

"let me leave you with this thought, they are tall & not that bad looking, they aren't afraid to speak their mind according to what just happened with Draco" she said "oh wait .. your parents hate the Weasleys" she said as she winked me as she focus back on her book.

Pansy isn't wrong .. I mean the Twins basically fit all of the boxes. But really? a Weasley? ...
Classes were finally done.
Pansy, Draco and I made our way to the Common Room. As we entered, we see Blaise sitting at the table.

"Skipping, is what you did?" i questioned him as i sat on the couch "had to get my stuff" he said as he was talking about his weed "of course" said Pansy as she rolled my eyes.

"Got mine?" asked Draco as Blaise opened his bag and gave it to him "Oi! you owe me Draco!" i told him "I got you next time." he said as he flashed a smile.
I sighed knowing I will never get mine ..

Pansy and I got up to go sit at another table. We didn't want the boys hearing the gossip.

"well? give me your feedback about what i told you" she said as she took out her work "i mean .. he does hit the points" i said as she interrupted me "i don't see the problem then" she spoke "well i do which is he is a Weasley!" i almost yelled.

"Oh my stassie, sometimes life just gives you things even if you don't like it" she shrugged "but life isn't giving me this! i am going for it" i said

"well do you have anyone else?" she questioned me "no" i said quietly "exactly" she said as she gave me a smile "oh shut it" i said as i grabbed my books

.. a Weasley .. *rolls eyes*

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