10. greeting an old friend

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"hey! are you going to eat that?" asked Ron pointing at my bacon "Ugh just take it!" i scold as Ron took it.

I was currently sitting in the Gryffindor table, trying my best to eat. Yet, my eyes kept going to the Slytherin table.

Where was she?

Sitting at the Slytherin table were the Kings and Queens of Slytherin: Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkison, Astoria Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Mattheo Riddle, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabble.

They were Royalty. Full of Riches.
Oh please, even the way the walked screams "We're rich, Move away poor people!".

Yet, Goyle and Crabble shouldn't even be in those titles, they are just Draco's Minions. See that's better!

The true and only queen of Slytherin is Anastasia Malfoy. She is Perfect. Gorgeous. Outgoing. Charming. Powerful. Amazing Body.

"GEORGE!" yelled Fred snapping me out of my thoughts "You zoned out, what's going on?" asked Fred "Nothing." I lied "I think you forget we are twins like dude .. come on .. my pain, your pain" said Fred as we laughed. "I'm fine, mate, really" I said as I tried my best to convince my twin brother who clearly didn't buy it.

"Your looking for Anastasia, aren't you?" asked Fred "What." as I tried to play dumb "Georgie, I'm not that dumb. After we saw her upset that day, you basically disappeared with her. I basically put two and two together" claimed Fred as he took a bite of his food.

I was surprised Ginny didn't tell him anything.

"I messed up" I claimed as I played with my food. "How so?" asked Lee who sat across from Fred and I. "I went to apologize .. we um .. well she .." I said as I could bare myself to say anything.

"You guys fuck?" "You fingered her?" said Fred and Lee as they continue to play the guessing game. "She sucked your dick!" said Fred, a little bit too loud. I stayed quiet.

"I KNEW IT" yelled Fred, he got up from his seat as all eyes went on him. "HEY! I KNOW I'M HOT BUT STOP LOOKING AT ME" yelled Fred. "Please!" I said as I pulled him down to sit. "Was she good?" said Lee as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Details later. But I don't understand how you mess up?" questioned Fred.

"well after she .. did that .. I kinda just .. turned around and was going .. to leave" I said, ashamed. "MATE!" yelled Lee "Why would you do that?" asked Lee "I thought we were ok. I mean .. her doing that gave me that signal" I said "No! No! No!" said Lee "I agree with him." said Fred

"She did that to you. She trusted you enough to .. be on her knees for you" said Lee as he whispered the last part. "And you turning around, most likely, made her feel like you were .. only using her for .. needs." Said Lee "Kid took the words right out of my mouth!" said Fred.

Since when did Lee become a love expert ..

"After that, she yelled at me, said how I only wanted her to suck my .. well you know .. and then she said it didn't matter because we were nothing" I said as the words stayed fresh in my mind. "Shit, mate, you fucked up" said Fred "Well no shit!" I said "I'm only joking" joked Fred.

Fred, I love you man. But right now, there is no time for jokes.

"She isn't wrong." chimed a voice. We all quickly turned our heads to see my little sister, Ginny.

"What the fuck Ginny! How long have you been listening!?!" I panicked "Enough to know she isn't wrong!" snapped back Ginny. Of course, she had to be my sister!

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