13. on my mind

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Third Person's P.O.V:

The Slytherins were gathered all together.
All upset about the fight that just occurred.

"Probably the Weasley kid was just trying to cause problems" stated Mattheo "Agreed. Theodore was ready to beat his ass" said Goyle as everyone laughed.

Anastasia couldn't help but think ..
Was Theodore going to tell everyone of her and George?
Yet, for some reason, Anastasia's actions were angry with what just occurred.

"Why did you even attack him, Theodore?" asked Anastasia. She got up and all heads turned to her.

Everyone was confused on her protective behavior on Weasley.

"Defending Weasley .. Are we now, Malfoy?" asked Blaise, suspiciously. "No. Just asking a question." said Anastasia, standing her ground.

"You guys aren't friends with Weasley, right?" asked Theodore as he got up. Everyone replied with a straight & firm no.

"Interesting .. Your the only one friends with him" asked Theodore as he pointed to me. She looked directly into his eyes.

He gently push her hair out of the way & whispered in her ear.

"I'm pretty sure you don't want me to tell them about your little get together with the Weasley boy .. don't we?" he smirked and gently grabbed her chin.

"Lay off, Nott" said Malfoy as Theodore put his
hands up. "And clearly, Anastasia is not friends with Weasley .. If I'm corrected?" asked Draco as he looked at her "Certainly." said Anastasia as she looked at Theodore.

Theodore let a sigh out and said out of nowhere "so upsetting the party is over .. it was just getting started." he laughed and wobbled his way to his room, almost tripping over.

"he is acting weird .." said Pansy but she laughed it. Just like everyone else.

"Anastasia!" called out Draco. Anastasia turned around and faced her brother. They stood alone in the Slytherin's common room.

"What happened?" she asked "what was Theodore talking about?" he asked, harshly. "Meaning?" she asked "Your the only one friends with him .. the fuck is he talking about?" asked Draco.

"Draco! Are you really going to believe Theodore?" She asked "I just find it unusual how he pointed you out of everyone about being friends with him" said Draco "You know, damn well, Theodore and I are rocky. He is just saying it to say it" She stated.

"You were defending Weasley, however" said Draco "I was just asking a fucking question!" said Anastasia. "Whatever you say, Anastasia but you know, I find everything out .. sooner or later" stated Draco "Goodnight" said Draco walking off into his room.

That night no one secrets' of drinking or forbidden loves were revealed .. well .. just not yet.

I was laying in my room, looking at the ceiling. The rain falling hard against the glass window.

Just thinking about everything that's going on around me.

... Then, he became the only think on my mind.

I got up, doing my best not to wake up Pansy. I made my way to the Gryffindor's common room.

Then, I went too into my mind ..

Was this a mistake? I'm only making things worst for myself.

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