7. feelings

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"Bloody hell! .. bloody hell! .." I kept saying over and over again as I made my way to the Gryffindor Common Room. I kept playing with my tie.

"Woah slow down .." said Ginny as I process to pass her and walk into my dormitory.

"Are you alright Georgie?" asked Ginny as she followed me into my dormitory.

"I did something that .. I mean .. I feel like I shouldn't have done .. but at the same time .. I don't regret it but heck! .. I wonder what she thinks" I replied to her.

"What happened?" she asked
"I .. I .. let's just say .. Anastasia.." I process to explain "Malfoy?" She questioned. "Well no shit .. what other Anastasia is there!?!" I exclaimed. "ok! calm down" Ginny said.

"CALM DOWN!?" I yelled "YES!" She yelled back. "I .. I did something with her .." I explained as I relaxed.

" .. You .. guys . snogged?" she asked "In a way .." I replied softly. "You know what .. I rather not know." she said sharply.

"But .. Malfoy and You?" She explained.
"I would have never saw that coming .." she said. "Me neither .." I claimed.

"I'll be right back" she said as she smiled big. "Alright?" I replied.
Well .. that was random.


I was walking down the halls trying to get my mind off of what happened.

I didn't hate it.
It was just random and happened out of nowhere.

"ANASTASIA" yelled a voice down the hall.
I turned out to discover Ginny.

"Oh hey." I said to her as I hugged her. "Walk with me?" she asked. "Uh .. sure" I replied.

"How was your day? .. You seemed down earlier today." she said as we linked arms. "Yea .. family problems." I briefly explained.

"I'm sorry to hear- .. wow what happened here" she smirked as she look at my neck.
"What?" i questioned. "Look!" she said as she giggled and pulled me into the girls bathroom.

"Oh fuck!" I yelled. "So .. who is the lucky guy?" she said as she leaned herself against the sink. "Haha" I laughed nervously as I inspected my new hickeys.

"It's fine you don't have to tell me but did you like? do you like him?" she said as she kept hitting me with questions.

"Uh well .. I don't know honestly .. he is really sweet, kind and not to mention really really cute" I gushed. "Whatever we did .. I don't regret .. I guess." I said as I started to rethink everything.

"Maybe your in a state of shocked that it happened in that time .. with that person" suggested Ginny. "That's exactly how I feel, Ginny." I said as I relaxed

" .. Well maybe you should talk to him .. see whatever you have goes." she said as she flashed another smile and left out of nowhere "Random .." I mumbled.

I had a lot on my mind but for no, I needed to find a way to hide these hickeys.


I laid on my bed listening to music.
Anastasia staying clear in my mind.

"HEY HEY!" said Ginny as she walked into my room with big smile. "Hello?" I questioned as I sat on my bed.

"You should talk to Anastasia." she said "Ok?" I replied.

"Why you ask?" she said as she flashed her eyelashes at me. "Why" I said as I rolled my eyes. "She feels basically the same way as you." she commented.

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