12. fight

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"let's get this party on the road!" said Astroia. "Come on!" Pansy said as she slapped my ass. "HEY!" I said as we laughed.

I was wearing a red dress which hugged my curves carefully. Fixing my makeup one more time, we were out.

Smoke hitting our faces the moment we step into the common room. People dancing and making out everywhere.

... And the night has barely begun.

Walking over to the drinks, Pansy says "I'll be back guys. I'm going to find Draco!"

"Well .. come on!" said Astoria as she grabbed my arm and pulled us closer to the drinks. Blaise walking over to us .. "Ladies! You are looking lovely tonight!" he said, smiling.

Looking closely at him, I could tell he was already tipsy.

We barley begun! I recall again.

"Drink up little Malfoy!" said Blaise as Astoria gives me a drink.

As Astoria and Blaise start a conversation, I look around the common room. I start to take in what is around me.

I see Theodore sitting in .. what looks like .. a throne. He was wearing a crown as Mattheo, Crabble and Goyle were around, laughing at some joke he made.

Then, I see the Gryffindors'. I was surprised to see them. I usually never saw them in Slytherin's parties.

Ginny and Harry were dancing while also drinking their lives away. Hermione was sitting on Ron's lap as they talked. Fred and Lee were rapping the lyrics to whatever song was currently playing.

Yet, I didn't see the guy who always caught my eye ... George ..

"hey guys!" said Pansy cutting off my thoughts. "took you guys long enough" said Astoria, annoyed. "Calm down Greengrass. I'm sure these two were ... busy." said Blaise as Pansy went bright red. "Shut it" said Draco as he was trying to hold in his laugh.

Draco didn't try looking my way or tried talking to me. He couldn't ignore me forever. I'm his sister! Plus, we mostly have the same friends. I knew he was still mad at me but .. he was overreacting ..

Astoria grabs my arm and follows Blaise to the "VIP Side" ... or to whatever that means.

He lets us into a little corner where it's only our group. Theodore was still sitting on the throne but with a crown sitting on his head. All the boys of the group were around him, laughing.

He saw me and gave me a soft smiling as I returned one back.

In the back of my mind, I was still worried about having a party and especially having alcohol around Theodore.

But trust is key ... right? ..

Third Person P.O.V

Theodore believed he was able to handle himself.

Could you blame him?

Not everyone knew he got out of rehab so people were offering him drinks.

"Why did you leave?" was the question asked to him almost all the night. "Suspended for awhile, you know" he would replied not caring if they believe him or not.

He was ashamed of people knowing he went to rehab. Of course, only his closest friends knew whom were which the "Slytherin Royalty".

He was also embarrassed & frustrated on the fact that his friends wanted to babysit him meaning to make sure he didn't drink.

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