4. mind wandering

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"Merlin's Beard!" I said as Fred kept hitting me. "You been sleeping almost all day and I'm ready to go prank some people" he said as I looked over to the clock, 2:45.

"Let me be" I said as I pulled the covers over me "Oh come on Georgie! Just because Malfoy danced with you doesn't mean .." he said as interrupted him ..

"Are you mad? .. I-I never did that" I said as I almost laughed at the comment he made.

"I'm talking about the girl.." he stated "I am not that dumb Fred" I commented "Do you not remember?" he asked as he sat on his bed.

"Well .. I sure do" said Lee Jordan as he entered our, shared dormitory.
"Tell him Lee" said Fred as he smiled

"Well let's see Get Busy by the one and only Sean Paul came on. Mind you, you weren't going to dance, you were smoking. However, Miss Malfoy wanted to dance and knew no one else would so grabbed you" he stated.

"Um .. How do you know this?" I asked
"Do you forget our dear Lee controls the music for our parties!?" said Fred as Lee gave myself a pat in the back.

"I see the whole dance floor" Lee commented as he flashed a smile.

"But .. There is no way they got in, their Slytherin, did you forget?" I asked.
"Well, Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy are very wise men" said Lee. "You can't underestimate that." Fred added on.

"Plus, Blaise is 95 percent the reason we have weed and Draco is 85 percent the reason we have alcohol" Lee said as Fred and I looked him. "What?! .. I help a lot backstage, you just don't see" said Lee.

.. he is so weird ..

"Uh .. Back to the story" said Fred. "Oh! Right Right" Lee said "You guys just started dancing" Lee stated. "Ok and?" I commented.

They were making a big deal out of what?

"Oh! .. I wasn't done" smirked Lee "I look away for a second and then .. BOOM, you are making out with Anastasia Malfoy." he said as he started to cheer.

.. ok now I see the big deal.

"Don't be scared Georgie .. I mean .. You DID make out with one of the hottest girl in Hogwarts." said Fred as he reached out his hand for me to dab up.

"I mean ... your not wrong" I said with a smirk as I dab him back.

Hopefully, Draco didn't see anything.
This may have been the closest I ever been to her ..


I finally got out of bed to go shower.
One thing i know for sure is that 'I had a fun last night' .. Even if I don't remember half of it.

After the shower, I felt so much better ..
Ye, my head still hurt like a bitch.

I got changed and made my way into the common room seeing Draco and Blaise sitting on the couch.

"Hello" I said as I sat on the chair next to them. They both nodded their heads.
"Guess you guys don't feel good.." I commented "Oh! Shut it" said Draco.

"How are you not like us?" asked Blaise. "Pansy" I said as she walked into the common room. "Here" she said as she gave them pills and water.

They both thank her and drank it.
"You are amazing" said Draco. "Your very welcome boys" she said.

"Go shower and change quick .. food will be ready soon" said Pansy as the boys got up and went to shower.

"And you?" said Pansy as she sat on the couch where the boys were once sitting. "What do you mean" I recalled.

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