19. mistake

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Anastasia's P.O.V

Finally, Professor Dumbledore finished speaking.
He quickly presented my parents being there.

For what? .. Who knows why ..
It was nothing special they were here.

My family, Theodore and I got up.
My father and mother stayed behind speaking to Dumbledore.

The whole group and I began to walk out of the Great Hall.

As my arm was interlocked with Theodore's arm, Draco quickly pulls me behind.

Theodore turns around and notices.
"Look, you stay away from my sister, you prick!" said Draco to Theodore. "Draco .." spoke softly Theodore.

"Don't even come up with your bullshit. Stay away from my sister!" he said as he pushed him.

Draco pushed Theodore hard enough for him to fall. However, Blaise was there to catch him.

"Careful." said Blaise.
I pulled Draco aside.

"What the fuck Draco?!" I said.
"No, what the fuck to you, Anastasia. What crap are you trying to pull now." He asked.

"You sound dumb." I spoke.
"I'm not dumb, Anastasia. Mother and father are here and all of sudden, you're all happy with Theodore?" He said.

"You are taking things the wrong way." I said.
"Really?! .. so mum and father won't mind me telling them what happened?" he said.

"Don't even go there, Draco." I began.
"Father didn't even believe me the first time I told him about Theodore so what makes you believe he will believe me this time?" I said.

Draco stood there.
I never told Draco that I told my father.

My mother believed me, her eyes told me that.
However, she is always overpower by my father so she followed his lead.

"So go ahead .. try to tell them. I'm pretty sure father will believe you. His golden child." I said.
"Enough, Anastasia." said Draco.

"Look, when I come back, you better have no connection with Theodore. I don't care how close he is to the group or how close he is to our house but he will not cross paths with you." he said.

He began to walk away but turned around to tell me one more thing ..

"Oh .. don't even think I forgot about the Weasley boy." he said.

I gulped.
I completely forgot he knows.


The group and I stood outside of the Great Hall waiting for my parents to return.

I felt like the group was more happier to see my parents then I was ..

Theodore wouldn't let me go.
He kept holding my hand. Putting his arm around me.
I didn't like it but my father did .. it was all that matters right?

Draco just stared him down.
"Careful where your hands go, Nott." said Draco in a firm voice.
Making Theodore clear his throat and remove his arms.

Finally, my parents come back.
Saying goodbye to the group and a even longer goodbye to Theodore.

"I am glad you and Anastasia decided to try again. It is good for the business, you know." said my father shaking hands with Theodore.

Oh! .. as in since his family is rich and my family is rich, it's even better that we get together to get more rich and more power .. the most important.

I just softly smiled at him.
"Well off we go." said my mother.
"My dear Anastasia, we will come visit soon. Don't worry about Draco, he will be back soon." said my mother as she gave me a kissed and hug goodbye.

"Glad to see Theodore and you back. Soon, my darling, you will joining us." said my father with a smile and a hug.

Is it bad to say I forgot the last time my father hugged me?

All I could do is smile back.
My father said his goodbye.

I noticed Draco already walking away but I quickly ran after him.

"Draco?" I said as he turned around.
"I get you are upset at me but no goodbye?" I asked.
"I'm not upset at you, Anastasia. I'm beyond pissed and .. disappointed." he said as he looked directly in my eyes.

ouch ..
coming from my own twin brother.

"Oh .." I said, looking down at my feet.
"Whatever you are doing with Theodore to just prove yourself to mother and father is pathetic." he replied.

I didn't say anything.
I couldn't say anything
He wasn't wrong.

Finally, my mother and father appeared.

"Off we go." said my mother with smile.
I just waved goodbye to all three of them.
Then .. they were gone.

Suddenly, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.
"It's ok, darling. They will be back soon, in the mean time, I'm still here" they spoke.

I turned around and it was Theodore.

"Theodore, my parents are gone. You can cut the act now." I said as I started to walk away.

"Oh .. no .." he replied and grab my wrist.
"If you want me to play the part of  "boyfriend" for mommy and daddy for when they come then I suggested we still play the parts now."

I gulped.
This was a mistake.

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