11. a changed man

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"There was no way this was happening.
Theodore Nott was standing in front of me while George Weasley was standing next to me."

He was here.
Theodore was actually here.
So many emotions ran wild in my body.
I felt the tension in the room.
I quickly look over at George. He seems anger or tense.

"I don't believe we have met. George Weasley" said George, breaking the silence. "Theodore Nott." said Theodore, emotionless. "If you don't mind .. George, Anastasia and I have some catching up to do." said Theodore. George's fist clenched.

"It's all good George. I'll talk to you later, ok?" I said quickly, hoping a fight wouldn't break out. George looked at me. "Alright." he said as he grabbed my chin and kissed me, rough.

Leaving, George took another look at Theodore as Theodore quickly turned and stood his ground. Now, I stood in the room with only Theo and I.

I took some time admiring him.
He looks the same .. yet so different.
He looks taller. More muscular.

"Already forgot about me." said Theodore as he walked over to me. "What a shame." He said as he looked directly into my eyes. "You came early." I said "Change a plan, you know?" said Theodore as he put the toothpick in his mouth. "And the rest of the gang?" said Theodore as he admire the common room as if he had never seen it. "There in class" I said as I cleared my throat.

"oh .. so Anastasia Malfoy is skipping class with her boyfriend .. what was his name .. eh .. doesn't matter anyways" said Theodore as he slightly laugh. "He isn't my boyfriend." I said, clearly.

"so you just kiss anyone you are with?" he asked "Love, you don't make sense" he chuckled.

Honestly, I don't even know what George is to me.
I mean, him kissing me like that .. means something.
I just couldn't let Theodore think he is the shit.

"I kiss or maybe even fuck who I want." I said, clearly. He laughed.

"Your a slut now." He said. "It's ok, you always been a slut." he said as he came close to me "just .. at the end of the day .. remember who's slut you used to be" he said. "exactly .. used to be as in not anymore." I said as I inched closer to him.

He laughed. "I've missed you." He said as he lifted up my chin.

Looking in his eyes, I felt the memories and everything rushing in.
I've missed him too ..

"I thought of you everyday when I was in that hell hole. I've gotten better. Been forcing on myself." he said.

Oh wait ..
He was in that hell hole for reasons.
Those reasons drove him to go mad .. against me.

"I'm happy you gotten better, Theo." I said, softly.

I don't know what took over me but I hugged him. Standing on my tippy toes with my arms over his shoulders. His arms around my waist.

We heard the door of the Common Room open. We slowly let go of each other yet, we couldn't take our eyes off of each other.

"THEODORE!" yelled Blaise as he jumped over the couch and hugged him. Everyone came into the Common Room. I locked eyes with Draco. He seemed uneasy seeing that Theo and I were in a room, alone.

Everyone was saying there hellos to Theodore. I locked eyes with Pansy. She seemed to be confused on why I was with Theodore and not George. Frankly, I was wondering the same.

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