8. more than just a dream

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"WAKE UP!" yelled a voice as I jumped out of bed. "The hell?" said Pansy as she looked at me. "Are you alright?" she asked "Uh .. mhmm" I said as I cleared my throat.

"Anyways, get ready. Breakfast will start soon" she said as she went back to fix her hair.
I quickly jumped into the shower.

Did I just dream about ... George and about George and I ... doing it.
What is going on!

I got ready for school. I was brushing my wet hair and couldn't stop thinking of the dream.

Do I like George? I can't ..
I'm only using .. I mean ..
I only dreamed about him .. in a sexual way .. but I wanted more ..

"Stop daydreaming and let's go!" she said.
I quickly got into my robes. Blowed dry my hair and went off with Pansy.

It has already been awkward between George and I after what happened in the Astronomy Tower but now, I feel more awkward, I had a wet dream about him!

"Hi." said Draco as he walked over to us with Blaise joining. "Hello, my love." said Pansy.
I didn't bother to say anything

"Come on Stassie! I said I'm sorry" said Draco. "Ok .. and?" I said as I looked at him, right when Draco was going to say something, Dumbledore started to talk.

Thank goodness!

I tried my best to ignore George all day.
I think he knew I was ignoring because when I was talking to Ginny, he quickly came over to us but as he was about to talk, I quickly said my goodbyes and left.

However, knowing Weasley, he will try to find a way to talk to me.

Finally, classes were done.
I was so ready for the weekend. Thankfully, tomorrow was Friday. Hopefully, there will be a party but Slytherin style ...

"I'll be right back Pansy, I need the bathroom." I said. "Alright, Draco said he needed me and that is was an emergency or whatever but I'll see back at the Common Room?" she said. "Yea that's fine" I said as she nodded and went off.

Making my way into the bathroom ..
I see George leaning on a sink.

"George Weasley, this is the girl's bathroom!" I said to him. "I know .. I know! I just needed to talk to you and .. you been ignoring me .. I can tell." he said.

"Yes .. but here?" I questioned "I mean .. I couldn't really think of another place" he said as he stretched his neck.

"Besides the point .. look about what happened .." he said as he played with his fingers "George.." i said as he stepped closer to me.

Gosh, he was gorgeous ..

"To be quite honest with you Stassie, i absolutely love what we did at the Astronomy Tower .. did you?" he asked. "I mean .. I needed and wanted more .. of your body .." he said as he kept getting closer to me.

"And I would love .. to see .. more of you .." he chimed. "Maybe more of you .. on your knees.." he said as he looked straight into my eyes.

This man ..
Did he really say that to me? .. Out loud.
I mean .. he was feeling the same way as me .. wanting & needing more .. so I took the opportunity ..

I grabbed him by the tie and dragged him to one of the bathrooms. I quickly locked the door and turned to face him.

There was no time to speak, our lips came together, kissing & craving each other.

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