3. the party

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Weasley was the only one left.

I looked and looked to see if anyone else fit each point but nobody.
Pansy found very pleasing knowing she found the one, I just didn't wanna say it.

"come on stassie, you know deep down inside, Weasley is the only chance you got" she said "ugh fine whatever your right" i said as i took a bite of my food

"hehehe yay" she said as she started to clap her hands together "now we just need information on them" she claimed

Us being popular will come in handed.
Through out the day we found information on these famous, Weasley Twins.

It came to our attention that one of them was already in a relationship:
According to Ron Weasley, who is really loud and can be heard from down the hall. He claimed Fred Weasley is dating fellow Gryffindor, Angelina Johnson.
Which leaves me with the other twin, George Weasley ..

I wasn't going to act like I didn't know them.
I knew who they are especially out on the Quidditch field, both Beaters and are not bad at it.
While, I am a Chaser and my brother, of course, a Seeker ..

"P, how will i make him like me?" i questioned her "honesty stassie, i don't know .. i would say use a love position but those only work for a while" she replied

"we just need a opportunity to catch him" she said "I hope soon" i commented

"but don't worry, i mean .. who wouldn't fall in love with you, your Anastasia Malfoy, any guy at Hogwarts would die to be with you" she said as i smiled

She isn't wrong .. s
So many people have asked me out but i always turn them down .. it just wastes my time

.. which is sadly what I would end up doing to George ..
Classes are done for the day.
Homework is done for the day.
I can finally sit back and relax
.. oh so i thought .. as my door went flying

"What the .." i said as i see Blasie and Draco standing at the door.

"The hell you guys doing here!?" questioned Pansy "this is the girls dormitory" i said "no shit sherlock" said Draco "for real, you guys can get in trouble" said Pansy "not if you guys hurry up" replied Draco "meaning?" i questioned

"Gryffindor is having a party" said Blaise "and what makes you think they will let us in?" i asked "you know we always have find our ways" said Draco as he dabbed up Blaise

"Well we will be waiting outside .. get ready and hurry up" said Blaise as he closed the door

I looked over at Pansy who quickly got up and got dance. "you heard them, come on!" she said as she grabbed my arm.

yay .. so much for relaxing ...

"ready" said Pansy as she had a black dress on that hugged all her curves.

Apparently, my brother liked it a lot since he couldn't stop staring.
As for me, I just wore a pink dress that also hugged my curves.

"the hell you wearing?" questioned Draco "oh come Draco, we don't wanna miss any fun" she said as she knew what Draco was going to start doing.

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